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Luxray Snipe Fang


Aspiring Trainer
  • 4-2-4 Luxray FF
  • 2-2 Electode PLF
  • 1-1 Dragalge FF
  • 4 Juniper
  • 2 Ghetsis
  • 1 Lysandre
  • 2 N
  • 2 Shauna
  • 2 Skyla
  • 1 Dowsing Machine
  • 2 Virbank City Gym
  • 4 Hypnotoxic Laser
  • 2 Level Ball
  • 2 Ultra Ball
  • 1 Super Rod
  • 3 Muscle Band
  • 1 Super Rod

  • 11 Electric

Basic strategy is to lock down the opponents hand with shenanigans. Ghetsis removes all item cards, and Snipe Fang goes after supporters. Leaving your opponent with only pokemon and energy in hand.

Luxio is the power house of this deck. After you successfully mess with your opponents strategy long enough and lose a couple of prizes, power up a Luxio and hit for 40x the amount of prizes your opponent has taken.

I played a game with it vs Darkrai/Yveltal deck unfortunately with Keldeo Ex. Couldnt knock it out but stalled for ever. Only started taking prizes from me as i decked out. This deck needs some power house in it to take prizes but idk what.

The strategy worked beautifully otherwise. Turn 1 Ghetsis into only 1 card. Unfortunately it was Juniper. only 2 energy in play until late late game. Ghetsis/Snipe Fang completely makes sableye useless.

Any suggestions?
Have you thought about Red Card? I built a startlingly similar deck with this one, and I used Red Card to bring their hand down to four, then Ghetsis and Fang Snipe to bring them down even further. Another thing, I wonder if a Protection Cube or two might not be bad just so you can use his second attack, as I did. Another thing to consider is Celebi EX, so you can use Luxio's amazing attack and switch gears into Shaymin-esque after your opponent has taken a prize or three.
You may look for cards that you can knock out yourself as Milotic FF. That way you can have a better control over the damage your Luxio does. Also I like the idea Kecleon-X proposed of adding the Celebi so you can have more HP with Luxray and still be attacking with Luxio (you may also consider Hard Charm). But This deck is a nice idea, only you may need something to work it out.