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Luxygon Z


Accelgor will be my salvation.
ok so i did some work on this deck and this is what i came up with

18 pokemon
3-1-3 Luxray 2AR/1 LA
2-2-2 Porygon Z TR
2 Porygon Z G
2-1 dialga g lvx

25 t/s/s
4 bebes
3 rare candy
2 poke turn
2 deparment store girl
3 lucky egg
2 sunnyshore city gym
2 expert belt
2 bench shield

15 energies
1 cyclone
8 {L}

okay the strategy is based mostly on luxray. the porygon z g is to get back poke tools that the luxray discards and the the TR porygon z is for the same. the dialga is to counter vileplume because it would ruin this deck. the pokemon reversal are for switching the defending pokemon so i can prey on the lesser hp pokes (uxie, azelf) for easy kills. i cant figure out what to take out to fit in some more reversals and some more cyclones.
Take out 4 lucky egg and add 2 Uxie for drawpower and 1 Azelf to look through your prizes. Use whatever you want for the remaining spot.
Hi, let's see if I can help.

- You can use Pokémon Catcher instead of Warp Points. You choose the opponent's new defending pokémon, and you don't need to switch yours.

- Sunnyshore City Gym is a nice idea for this deck, why don't you add more?

Also, for your Vileplume weakness....

- Change the 3-1-3 Luxray to 3-3-3 Luxray.
- Erm... add a line of Dialga G Lv. X? I think that's the only solution against Vileplume.

The thing is that, yes, you can add a second attacker when a Vile___ shows up. BUT, you'll still have all those poke tools wandering in your deck and you have nothing to do with them. Maybe you can add some hand refreshers like PONT, Judge, Looker's or the brand new Juniper. Or you can add some E-belts and Luxray FB (or the pokemon catcher) for bringing the annoying Vileplume and knock it out.
xPOKEFREAK72x said:
Why not use Expert Belt instead of Lucky Egg? It would help much more...

i will even it out
2 expert belts
2 lucky eggs

Ahiro said:
Hi, let's see if I can help.

- You can use Pokémon Catcher instead of Warp Points. You choose the opponent's new defending pokémon, and you don't need to switch yours.

- Sunnyshore City Gym is a nice idea for this deck, why don't you add more?

Also, for your Vileplume weakness....

- Change the 3-1-3 Luxray to 3-3-3 Luxray.
- Erm... add a line of Dialga G Lv. X? I think that's the only solution against Vileplume.

The thing is that, yes, you can add a second attacker when a Vile___ shows up. BUT, you'll still have all those poke tools wandering in your deck and you have nothing to do with them. Maybe you can add some hand refreshers like PONT, Judge, Looker's or the brand new Juniper. Or you can add some E-belts and Luxray FB (or the pokemon catcher) for bringing the annoying Vileplume and knock it out.

that might be just exactly what i do. i've been looking for a different use for my dialga g lvx then just a Darchomp deck. there's no way for me to get my hands on a luxray fblvx so i wont be doing that but i will probably do the pokeman reversal( im not sure if your refering to pokemon reversal when you say pokemon catcher) and i will run a 3-2-3 line of luxray AR
Hrm.. Sorry if this is a bit off topic, but does Luxray's attack negate the bonus damage from Expert Belt since it is discarded? It would be pretty cool if not, it's basically a risk free Expert Belt.

Poke-catcher is basically a reprint of Gust of Wind (which is coming out with the B/W set, sorry I don't know specifics).
Ahiro said:
Hi, let's see if I can help.

- You can use Pokémon Catcher instead of Warp Points. You choose the opponent's new defending pokémon, and you don't need to switch yours.

- Sunnyshore City Gym is a nice idea for this deck, why don't you add more?

Also, for your Vileplume weakness....

- Change the 3-1-3 Luxray to 3-3-3 Luxray.
- Erm... add a line of Dialga G Lv. X? I think that's the only solution against Vileplume.

The thing is that, yes, you can add a second attacker when a Vile___ shows up. BUT, you'll still have all those poke tools wandering in your deck and you have nothing to do with them. Maybe you can add some hand refreshers like PONT, Judge, Looker's or the brand new Juniper. Or you can add some E-belts and Luxray FB (or the pokemon catcher) for bringing the annoying Vileplume and knock it out.

Catcher isn't in BW :/
@toffeefi - yes if you discard an e-belt with gadget bolt you get 120dmg, it's in a rule thread somewhere. You will be surprised the amount of times you'll be in the situation of the e-belt keeping you alive with the +20 and discarding means suicicde! Maybe add in x1 luxray from LA! His poke body gives him +50 dmg if your opponent has a level X in play. Can give you 170 dmg with e-belt.
@Tyraniking So... Pokémon Catcher isn't in english B/W, but is in the japanese B/W. Nasty. Why they do this thins? :/
We have a brand new SSU and we don't have Pokémon Catcher... well, mrwillster, forget all the strategy of poke catcher (except if you're planning to go to Japan), just... add Pokémon Circulator, or Warp Point.
i will probably add some cyclone energies and some pokemon reversal to switch their p-mans around a bit. and if i can get my hands on a luxray fb lvx(which i am more likely to be attacked be a shark in a local pool than to get one of those) i'll factor it in. i shall post the revised deck soonish
You're right with the shark attack example. At this days is very hard to get a Luxray FB Lv. X. Nevermind, instead of trying to get something almost impossible (except if you want to buy it in amazon or ebay, wich means spending an ilogical amount of money), I suggest you to fine a nice damage-spread pokémon, like... I dunno, Mandibuzz, Absol G (which is not a nice sniper, but... oh well, it's something), Shedinja, Rotom TM for KO Vileplume. The thing is there's not any good sniper if it doesn't have a nice amount of energies attached into it (like Rotom) or damage counters (like Shedinja and Mandibuzz). Or at least I don't remember anyone. Oh yeah, Garchomp C. But... I think it's kinda hard to get.

My suggestion: Think in a second attacker, and add some Juniper (Supporter from B/W). Just try to bring all the poke tools that you have in your deck and discard them with Juniper. That's my only suggestion ATM. I'm sleepy, and I cannot think very well when I'm sleepy. I'll try to think about this problem tomorrow. Or just search some Dialga G Lv. X an add it in this deck. Since there are boxes of Dialga and Palkia Legend you should be able to get a Diagla G Lv. X easier.
the funny thing is i have already bought one of those boxes so thats what i'm going to add in. thanks ahiro!