ok so i did some work on this deck and this is what i came up with
18 pokemon
3-1-3 Luxray 2AR/1 LA
2-2-2 Porygon Z TR
2 Porygon Z G
2-1 dialga g lvx
25 t/s/s
4 bebes
3 rare candy
2 poke turn
2 deparment store girl
3 lucky egg
2 sunnyshore city gym
2 expert belt
2 bench shield
15 energies
1 cyclone
8 {L}
okay the strategy is based mostly on luxray. the porygon z g is to get back poke tools that the luxray discards and the the TR porygon z is for the same. the dialga is to counter vileplume because it would ruin this deck. the pokemon reversal are for switching the defending pokemon so i can prey on the lesser hp pokes (uxie, azelf) for easy kills. i cant figure out what to take out to fit in some more reversals and some more cyclones.
18 pokemon
3-1-3 Luxray 2AR/1 LA
2-2-2 Porygon Z TR
2 Porygon Z G
2-1 dialga g lvx
25 t/s/s
4 bebes
3 rare candy
2 poke turn
2 deparment store girl
3 lucky egg
2 sunnyshore city gym
2 expert belt
2 bench shield
15 energies
1 cyclone
8 {L}
okay the strategy is based mostly on luxray. the porygon z g is to get back poke tools that the luxray discards and the the TR porygon z is for the same. the dialga is to counter vileplume because it would ruin this deck. the pokemon reversal are for switching the defending pokemon so i can prey on the lesser hp pokes (uxie, azelf) for easy kills. i cant figure out what to take out to fit in some more reversals and some more cyclones.