LV's Faking Contest.

Light Venusaur

Deidara~Senpai's student (in training)
Advanced Member
Welcome to LV's fake Pokemon Card Contest!! Who's the best faker on PokeBeach? Could it be you?

Trophys: Thanx to NightBlaze on SPPF for them.
gjlerk.png (the bule one is: runner up)

The rule are simple: go onto paint or Photoshop or whatever you use to make fake cards, submit one and you're qualified. Here are some card rules:

1: No humorous cards
2: Use Only real Pokemon
3: No swearing
4: I would prefer D/P blanks(here's a link) but you can use other blanks, too.
5: Cards can be broken, but it might count against you during the judging sections.
6: No Spoilers!
7: Use pics from
8: No Stealing other people's works!
Like this:

*The artist is: Aonik*
^If you want your card to look good as this one, Go & get Gimp (or Photoshop if you have it).

Energy Symbles for makeing cards:

There will be 6 rounds:
  • 1: Basic/Baby Round
  • 2: Stage one round
  • 3: Stage two round
  • 4: Lv.X/Ex Round
  • 5: Shining/Star Pokemon Round
  • 6: Old School Round (Base, TR #1, Gym & Neo style only)
  • 7: Freestyle round (Does not have to be Pokemon)
  • 8: A Trainer Card (Blanks can be found here (The only one's that you can't use are: Eevee, Glacia, Leafia & Manaphy's egg.).

I will need judges. Cards will be rated on a ten point system (0.1 being the absolute worst and 10.0 being the absolute best). I will average out the judging scores to get the final score.

As of Round Three, if your average score is the worst, you're eliminated.

I myself being a faker will not be a contestant, but a judge.

1: LV
2: Golem King
3: shaymingiratina8717

Judges rules:
1: We will do the judging at the end of the round, whether everybody is done or not.
2: The judging will be private. PM me with your judging. (Subject must be: Contest: Do Not Delete. (As I clean out my inbox every 2nd day or when it needs to be done))
3: I will list the average scores the next day.
4: If you don't send me your judging by the day after the round ends, you will no longer be a judge.

Special Thank you to Golem King for letting me use his rules.


1st Place: A Trophy, A Banner (made by yours truely) & a Shinx with eaither: Quick Attack or the Fangs
2nd Place: A Trophy & An Eevee w/Charm
3rd Place: A Trophy & A Starter (no egg moves)
Last place: An Item on a common (IE: Pidgey/Starly)
Contests the I've been in:
Golem King's-2nd place, 2nd Round: 1st PLACE!
Achmetha Spriting Contest-Place is still unown
bonsly1994's-2nd Place
On here you'll find threads on how too make fake cards-Credit to: SPPF.

Me enter :). That was my first one ever, so my newer ones are better :)
I'll be judge if you have space.
I was a judge before and I can really be soecific so I'll tell every little detail.
You can rely on me.
Lol, the "Me enter" thing was a joke =P

Anyway, like I said, that was my first one ever =P

P.S: Its "grammar" not "gramma"... lol...
I'll be judge if you have space.
I was a judge before and I can really be soecific so I'll tell every little detail.
You can rely on me
Pokemon Noobiepie said:
I'll be judge if you have space.
I was a judge before and I can really be soecific so I'll tell every little detail.
You can rely on me

I'll wait to see how meny I get first before I make any more judges.
*Put's you on a waiting list*
I have 2 questions:

1: Am I in?

2: What does doing a TC have to do with faking?
Here's my entry


Took me 30~60 minutes to make this card.
I forgot to add in a rule.
No cropping other cards for energy costs!
*everything can be found on the main site to make fake cards*