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Lysandre's Gyarados (Gyarados [Star] / Lysandre's Last Resort)


Aspiring Trainer

  • 1x Gyarados * (Delta Species, Ultra Rare)

  • 4x Lysandre's Last Resort
    4x Vs Seeker

  • 48x Fire

Good luck actually keeping the 80 HP Gyarados* alive for four turns while you power it up, but if you can, you'll be doing at least 800 damage per turn, every turn, using Lysandre's Last Resort to shuffle your 40-ish discarded fire energy back into your "deck" once per turn, and Vs Seeker to get those Last Resorts back after you use them.

...That is, if you can force LLR onto the bottom of your deck somehow (via Caitlin, maybe?). I may have been fibbing a bit when I said this was a Super Serious Deck :rolleyes:
RE: Lysandre's Gyarados (Super Serious Unlimited Deck)

Unfortunately, you can only have one Pokemon Star in your deck. It says so right on the card. Still interesting though. Maybe you can play it with something that has synergy with it. You definitely need Revive / Super Rod / Sacred Ash / something if you want to still make the deck revolve around Gyarados.
You can only have 1 Gold Star pokemon in your deck I think...
Herp, you're right. Even if you could run four, though, this wouldn't work at all anyway, lol. I was just making a dumb joke based on two of the new Trainers from Phantom Forces (hence why it originally was tagged as "Fun," though somebody has since edited the topic title and changed it to Unlimited [which is also true, but...]).

Lysandre's Last Resort, if you somehow missed the translation on the front page of Pokebeach, is a supporter that shuffles both players' entire discard piles (minus any LLR) back into their decks. At first glance, that might sound comically abusable with Gyarados*'s attack, which discards your entire deck until you only have one card left and does damage for each discarded fire energy, but it would only actually work if you...

A.) Managed to somehow keep Gyarados* alive until fully powered with 4 energy (this would never happen)

and B.) Managed to somehow ensure that either VS Seeker or LLR would always end up the last card in your deck (Caitlin would work, but only if you had it in your hand when using the move, which would be unlikely without other draw power).
You might want to consider running Ether, Blacksmith and Base Set Computer Search to find them, as it could speed up your attack exponentially.