• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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M Blastoise EX / Keldeo EX / Blastoise / Milotic


Bending Lightning
  • 2 Blastoise (BCR)
  • 1 Wartortle
  • 3 Squirtle (BCR)
  • 2 Keldeo EX
  • 2 Suicune (PLB)
  • 2 Milotic (Clear Search)
  • 3 Feebas (Ascension)
  • 1 M Blastoise EX
  • 1 Blastoise EX
  • 1 Holon Castform (Double Rainbow Energy)
Total: 19 Pokemon

  • 2 Cilan
  • 3 Professor Oak's New Theory
  • 2 Dive Ball
  • 2 Professor's Letter
  • 3 Gust of Wind
  • 2 Pokemon Collector
  • 3 Rare Candy
  • 1 Gold Potion (Ace-Spec)
  • 2 Fisherman
  • 2 Skyla
  • 2 Float Stone
Total: 23 Trainers

  • 18 Basic Water
Total: 18 Energy


Take out Feebas, fast evolve it into Milotic in order to use Clear Search, with it search for  the Blastoise line (for quicker energy usage-Deluge), then as Milotic will probably survive two turns... get either Suicune (if facing an Ex), Kaldeo Ex (for a big hit to the active pokemon), or MEGA Blastoise (to spread damage)... If less than the available three cards through Clear Search are used, then get a Cilan, for energy while Deluge will let you put them all down at once... Glacia's Stadium is to counter the excesive weakness against grass... The ideal way to evolve to Blastoise is using Rare Candy due to that thanks to Shell Shield he will be untouchable in the bench... One Wartortle is added though as a just in case...


Looking to Update this Deck List:
I wish to add 2 Rough Seas (Stadium) and 4 Sycamore (Supporter). Any advice on how to do this or on any other aspect of the deck is appreciated :)

Ps. Another card I have considered adding is Greninja Ex, just let me know what you guys think...