Pokemon: 18
4x Charizard EX GEN 11
3x M Charizard EX GEN 12
2x Salandit GRI 15
2x Salazzle GX BUS 132
2x Victini GRI 10
2x Magearna UPR 91
2x Oranguru SM 113
1x Tapu Lele GX GRI 137
Energy: 14
14x Fire Energy EVO 92
Trainers: 28
4x Max Elixir BKP 102
4x Ultra Ball SM 161
3x Float Stone BKT 137
3x Guzma BUS 143
3x Kiawe BUS 144
3x Charizard Spirit Link EVO 75
3x Professor Sycamore STS 114
3x Cynthia UPR 148
1x Super Rod BKT 149
1x Pokemon Fan Club UPR 155
This is a deck I made to test and it actually turned out alright. I dont think ive lost a match with this deck. You accelerate energy with the max elixirs and kiawe and maximize damage output with victini.
4x Charizard EX GEN 11
3x M Charizard EX GEN 12
2x Salandit GRI 15
2x Salazzle GX BUS 132
2x Victini GRI 10
2x Magearna UPR 91
2x Oranguru SM 113
1x Tapu Lele GX GRI 137
Energy: 14
14x Fire Energy EVO 92
Trainers: 28
4x Max Elixir BKP 102
4x Ultra Ball SM 161
3x Float Stone BKT 137
3x Guzma BUS 143
3x Kiawe BUS 144
3x Charizard Spirit Link EVO 75
3x Professor Sycamore STS 114
3x Cynthia UPR 148
1x Super Rod BKT 149
1x Pokemon Fan Club UPR 155
This is a deck I made to test and it actually turned out alright. I dont think ive lost a match with this deck. You accelerate energy with the max elixirs and kiawe and maximize damage output with victini.