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M Charizard EX / Pyroar


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 18

  • 2 Charizard EX
    1 Mega Charizard EX
    2 Emboar (LT)
    3 Litleo
    3 Pyroar (Flashfire)
    1 Delphox EX(BW Promo)
    1 Victini EX (LT)
    3 Tepig (LT)
    1 Pignite (LT)
    1 Reshiram (BWND)
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 30

  • 2 Mountain Ring
    1 Colress
    3 Evosoda
    3 Rare Candy
    3 Protection Cube
    3 Blacksmith
    2 Professor Juniper
    3 Fiery torch
    2 Energy Switch
    2 Muscle Band
    2 Ultra Ball
    2 Lysandre
    2 Startling Megaphone
Energy: 12

  • 12 Fire Energy

Charizard EX on the bench and start putting energies on the card by using Victini EX turbo energize attack and Emboar Abilities to energize Charizard EX then Protection Cube Charizard EX and then Mega Evolve Charizard into Mega Charizard EX, then bring Mega Charizard EX into the active and destroy opponent
Updated my list put in more Items/trainer/stadium cards and took out some pokemon and energy let me know what you think please!
Victiny EX and Emboar in the deck is alot, I would drop the emboar line and put in some double colress energy and more draw support and more ultra balls. Stage 2 pokemon are just really hard to set up in todays format.
Ironman131 said:
Victiny EX and Emboar in the deck is alot, I would drop the emboar line and put in some double colress energy and more draw support and more ultra balls. Stage 2 pokemon are just really hard to set up in todays format.

Thanks for the suggestion the reason I like emboar is if I get a starting hand with mainly energies I can easily use them up quickly by being able to attach them to my bench or active pokemon
Yeah emboar is good at that but the problem will be setting emboar up. Toadys format is a format that stops the use of items so you cant use your rare candies or ultra balls to get the emboar out. Todays format also uses a lot of ability shutting of so you would not be able to use Inferno fandango as easily. And not to metion you also have blacksmiths in the deck which do the exact same thing as Emboar and victiny EX.

What I would honestly do with the deck is take out the emboar line, rare candies and the victiny EX, and drop the fire energy down to 8. that gives you 13 spaces in the deck. With 4 of those spaces I would go double colorless energy, 2 More Ultra ball, 2 More professor Juniper, 1 computer search, and 4 N.
i think you should keep your energy at 10 minimun unless you have a way to recycle it. Please if anybody can help me with my deck i would be glad