Pokemon: 13
just the main point of this deck....start off with charizard and victini use stoke bam 4 energy retreat into pyroar stall till you get out gen. and virizion. mega evolve quickly. use plasma on gen. to catcher out something you dont like but also use as attacker. theirs so many strategies for this deck.
Edited to coincide with the rules!
2 Charizard EX (stoke)
1 Mega Charizard Y
1 Victini (victory star)
2 Litleo
2 Pyroar (block basic)
2 Virizion EX
2 Genesect EX (automatic catcher)
1 Jirachi (supporter ability)
2 Blacksmiths
2 Shauna (draw)
4 Juniper (draw)
1 Colress (draw)
1 Shadow Triad
2 N (draw)
2 Colress Machine
1 Roller Skates (draw)
2 Fiery Torch (draw)
1 Super Rod
1 ACE SPEC G Booster
1 Startling Megaphone
2 Protection Cube
2 Professor's Letter
4 Ultra Ball
2 Skyarrow bridge
9 Fire Energy
5 Grass Energy
3 Plasma Energy
just the main point of this deck....start off with charizard and victini use stoke bam 4 energy retreat into pyroar stall till you get out gen. and virizion. mega evolve quickly. use plasma on gen. to catcher out something you dont like but also use as attacker. theirs so many strategies for this deck.
Edited to coincide with the rules!