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M Gardevoir EX / Xerneas / Aromatisse


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 15

  • - M Gardevoir EX x2
    - Gardevoir EX x3
    - Xerneas XY x4
    - Aromatisse XY x2
    - Spritzee XY x3
    - Florges EX x1
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 32

  • - Fairy Garden x3
    - Super Potion x3
    - Startling Megaphone x2
    - Energy Retrieval x1
    - VS Seeker x3
    - Evosoda x2
    - Ultra Ball x2
    - Repeat Ball x1
    - Gardevoir Spirit Link x2
    - Shauna x2
    - AZ x2
    - Professor Sycamore x3
    - N x1
    - Lysandre x2
    - Pokemon Fan Club x3
Energy: 13

  • - Fairy Energy x13

Basically just another mono fairy mega Gardy deck. Start with Xerneas and use Geomancy to accelerate energy and power up Mega Gardevoirs, then OHKO everything. Fairy Garden gives free retreat, Aromatisse moves around energy, Florges EX is a good backup attacker with Bright Garden for 120 and if you start with it you can search out a Pokemon Fan Club with Lead. Lysandre helps get OHKO's on benched Pokemon, and Fan Club is also useful here because this deck is all about setting up fast. Borrowed a lot of the more expensive cards in this deck and had to fill in all the gaps with cards from my own limited collection, hence why I used Super Potions for Max Potions, I only have one N, don't have any Colress or Skyla or Dowsing Machine (though I'd love to use them if I could). Open to suggestions, thanks!