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M Heracross EX / Dusknoir / Cherubi


Aspiring Trainer

  • 3 Heracross EX
    2 M Heracross EX
    2 Virizion EX
    4-2-4 Dusknoir (3 Flash Fire, 1 Boundaries Crossed)
    1 Suicune
    4-4 Cherubi (Plasma storm)

  • 4 Max Potion
    4 Shauna
    3 Rare Candy

  • 8 Grass Energy
    4 Herbal Energy


So I'm not sure what else to use to flesh out the rest of the deck but the main strategy is to keep healing M Heracross EX to hit for 180 damage every turn.

Edited to coincide with Deck Garage rules. Please use the template provided. Thanks! --Mora
RE: Mega Heracross EX format deck

I also play this deck and I your deck is similar to mine. The only exception is that I run 10 grass energy and 2 herbal energy because of Aegislash EX. I also suggest that you play some Juniper or Sycamore and some N if you have any. Also some Lysandre could be helpful. I also run training center to give Dusknoir more HP. Also, since Mega Heracross does 180, which knocks out everything except more other megas, running hard charm to reduce damage could be helpful. Also, since Garbodor is such a big problem, you should run at least 2 startling megaphone. Hope this helps because I love seeing mega Heracross decks!
RE: Mega Heracross EX format deck

I actually played a M. Heracross deck a while back. It's definitely different to yours as I was mostly focusing on OHKOs.

Anyway, here's what I'd remove.

-4-4 Cherubi. Unnecessary as it adds to the deck and you're already scrimping on space. Plus, the heals are great but your deck is about getting KOs.
-1-1-1 Dusknoir. Keep the Flashfire since the BCR one isn't necessary. You need those OHKOs.
-1 Suicine. Not needed as we'll use another method to stall as we Mega-Evolve.

-4 Shauna. We don't need it as there are better trainers out there.
-1 Rare Candy. Having 2 is good enough now that we've slimmed the Dusknoir.

+4 N. You need to disrupt your opponent since your deck is a slow and ponderous one.
+3 Professor Sycamore. Best draw support we can have but I'd limit to 3 since we have other options.
+2 Colress. Good for the mid-late game stage.
+2 Robo Substitute. Robo Substitute acts like a staller. Plus once you Mega-Evolve, you can discard it to get M. Heracross out to kill.
+2 Switch. You need a way to get your active out if it's too heavily damaged.
+1 Evosoda. Helps evolve quicker.
+1 Professor's Letter. Gets energy when you need it.
+1 Energy Retrieval. Trust me, if you don't have enough energy, you'll lose. So this helps makes sure that doesn't happen.
I agree with the suggestions to remove Cherrim and BCR Dusknoir. Have you considered 1-2 Jynx? They heal 10 damage from your active Pokemon per your turn. It's not much, but each 10 damage you heal means you do 10 more damage to the opponent.

It's uncanny as I played against this exact same deck on TCGO (could have been against you or NintendoAlian). I used the Crobat line from Phantom Forces along with Espeon PLF.