Start with virizion EX to power up a Herocross EX, use sigiylph asa sheild for wehn you mega evolve into mega herocross ex. Mega herocross ex is your main attacker, and with dusknoir form flash fire and max poitions you will hopefully be able to hit consistantly for 180 damage. Dusknoir ( Flashfire) allows you to move damage on your board to it. Dusknoir (boundaries crossed) allows you to move damage on opponents board. Im not sure how the deck will work but i feel like i need to try and find room for some non ex attackers as well.
Edited to coincide with the rules!
3 Heracross EX
2 Mega Heracross EX
3 Virizion EX
4 Duskull
1 Dusclops
2 Dusknoir (Flash Fire)
2 Dusknoir (Boundaries Crossed)
1 Sigilyph
2 Professor Sycamore
4 N
4 Korina
2 Lysandre
1 Pokemon Fan Club
4 Max Potion
4 Rare Candy
3 Ultra Ball
2 Switch
1 Dowsing Machine
2 Mountain Ring
10 Grass Energy
2 Herb Energy
Start with virizion EX to power up a Herocross EX, use sigiylph asa sheild for wehn you mega evolve into mega herocross ex. Mega herocross ex is your main attacker, and with dusknoir form flash fire and max poitions you will hopefully be able to hit consistantly for 180 damage. Dusknoir ( Flashfire) allows you to move damage on your board to it. Dusknoir (boundaries crossed) allows you to move damage on opponents board. Im not sure how the deck will work but i feel like i need to try and find room for some non ex attackers as well.
Edited to coincide with the rules!