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M Heracross EX / Dusknoir Flashfire


Aspiring Trainer

  • 3 Heracross EX
    2 Mega Heracross EX
    3 Virizion EX
    4 Duskull
    1 Dusclops
    2 Dusknoir (Flash Fire)
    2 Dusknoir (Boundaries Crossed)
    1 Sigilyph
Trainers / Supporters / Stadiums

  • 2 Professor Sycamore
    4 N
    4 Korina
    2 Lysandre
    1 Pokemon Fan Club
    4 Max Potion
    4 Rare Candy
    3 Ultra Ball
    2 Switch
    1 Dowsing Machine
    2 Mountain Ring

  • 10 Grass Energy
    2 Herb Energy
Start with virizion EX to power up a Herocross EX, use sigiylph asa sheild for wehn you mega evolve into mega herocross ex. Mega herocross ex is your main attacker, and with dusknoir form flash fire and max poitions you will hopefully be able to hit consistantly for 180 damage. Dusknoir ( Flashfire) allows you to move damage on your board to it. Dusknoir (boundaries crossed) allows you to move damage on opponents board. Im not sure how the deck will work but i feel like i need to try and find room for some non ex attackers as well.

Edited to coincide with the rules! :D ~Kecleon
RE: Mega Heracross EX / Dusknoir Flashfire

I have thought about ways to make use of MHeracross. This is an interesting idea. Moving damage away and then using dusknoir to "heal" it.

I actually thought of using Cherrim PLF to heal 20 hp per turn/pokemon. Up to 80 damage per turn might not be completely helpful, though with an herb energy to heal for 110. So if M Heracross manages to survive an attack it might manage to hit for decent damage. Might even consider Super Potions. Since when Virizion Ex is concerned, you only need to worry about attaching 1 energy to Heracross. Which then allows you to heal up to (80+30+60) 170 and if it survives an attack it can hit for pretty decent amounts.
Pokemon: 16
3 Heracross Ex
2 M Heracross Ex
3 Virizion Ex
4-4 Cherrim PLF

You may also want to consider Hard Charms. As it allows Heracross to take 20 less damage, which means it does 20 more damage in turn.

You also forgot to take into account Garbodor. Dusknoir wouldn't be able to help if Garbotoxin is active.
RE: Mega Heracross EX / Dusknoir Flashfire

yeah i completely forgot to put in some startaling megaphone. Cherim is another good idea that i will also try.
RE: Mega Heracross EX / Dusknoir Flashfire

Wouldn't something like 2 thundy, 2 deoxys, 3-3 aromatisse, 2-2 m heracross and 4 max potion 8 prisim/rainbow with a dowsing work better, stage 2's at 2 max in your deck dmg off of active dusknoir per turn is not as efficient as moving energy as max potion and e.switch is, the chances of 1 being benched, town map then becomes a saving grace, cherrium is good but from m kangaskah testing not as good as max potion and e.switch itself especially when you need all of the HP off of your active to hit for ohko. 4 virizion, even from virgin testing in anything virizion orientated 4 is better for an easy setup. I agree with hard charm. Maybe 2 korrina but definitely not 4, this isn't a fighting deck and the only thing it grabs is items at that, 2 supporters such as colress go farther in getting things late game then early, more options. Keldeo + float stone, suffice to say that heracross is not dainty with 3 retreat 2 switch is not viable, having the option to choose what you want from your bench in 1 turn keldeo delivers and offers infinite switch minus the 1 megaphone 90% of decks play, dowsing saves you from 2, that and hardcharm, but more to the point of giving you more options on what you would like to stall one turn with for heracross, or attacking the next turn with an alternate heracross.
RE: Mega Heracross EX / Dusknoir Flashfire

Prism energy would not work because if its on a evolved pokemon it becomes just a colress energy. With that being said 4 rainbow energy is not enough to pay the attack costs. I could put in some colress. I plan on using sigilyph to be a wall while i mega evolve or possibly virizion ex, anything that will be able to take a hit.
RE: Mega Heracross EX / Dusknoir Flashfire

Walls are a scarce commodity in this format, with raichu being a popular tech into a lot of decks to counter pyroar and sigilyph, playing an EX wall is 50/50 on weather or not they tech to take it down the turn after you hide behind it.

Prism does and doesn't work at the same time, it works by thundy => deoxys for raiden knuckle it works through deoxys to giant insect (heracross) due to aromatisse and covers the 1 colorless needed for the attack, 4 rainbow and 4 grass on the other hand cover the 8 energy conversion rate that aromatisse 50/50 covers. You may say 4 energy was not much but it didn't stop people from playing yeti which dominated the format for most of December/January this past year, it's all in making a strategy that uses everything to come ahead, virizion needs 2 energy on it to setup heracross, slowly healing/setup doesn't work as an off handed tactic, and it just dilutes you ability to take knock outs which is what you opponent will use to there advantage.

If your plan is to virizion to heracross play 4 virizion, 3 does not guarantee you start with virizion more, its 34-36% if both are 3, 24-27% for heracorss and 40-43% if you start with virizion, math from virizion heracross is pretty close to math from virizion venasuar.
RE: Mega Heracross EX / Dusknoir Flashfire

I currently only have 3 verizion ex. I will try the plasma style deck that you are taling about yoyos. I am still a little reluctent because of energy needs but i might as well try it out.
RE: Mega Heracross EX / Dusknoir Flashfire

Honestly, Dusknoir may be the only reliable resource for Mega Heracross, because 4 Cherrims would take up a lot of bench space, and that's only 80 per turn. In most competitive decks, Pokmon usually dish out about 120-160 per turn, so Heracross takes a big punishment from that, since Cherrim wouldn't be able to heal off ALL the damage.
As for aromatisse, NO. Your only option for energy would be Rainbow, since Prism can't be used on Mega's, and there is no Blend Energy that uses Fairy. You can only have 4 rainbow energy in a deck, and more and more decks are using enhanced hammer, and with thundurus the only sufficient way to get Special Energy back, you're as good as toast.

You only need 1 Dusknoir in order to heal all damage off. Move 120 to it, Max Potion. In addition, unless the situation is dire, you only need 1-2 dusknoir out at a time. Dusknoir is your best bet.
Case and Point, M. Heracross requires too much effort for a 'meh' payoff.