Put this deck together, and was surprised at how well it actually worked. Sure, it isn't guaranteed win against BDIF, but it still performed quite well. Won a couple games against Yveltal and Aromatisse/Big Basics. I've been thinking of skipping the Cherrim and Reuniclus lines, and focusing on Aromatisse instead. Thoughts?
Power up M Heracross EX (Preferrably with Virizion), while moving damage away from him with Cherrim and Reuniclus. Continuously hit for 180 damage (230 with Muscle Band and Hypnotoxic/Virbank) to knock out anything.
3 Virizion EX
2 Heracross EX
2 M Heracross EX
2 Cherubi
2 Cherrim PLS
2 Solosis
1 Duosion
2 Reuniclus BW
1 Mr. Mime PLF
4 N
2 Professor Sycamore
3 Skyla
1 Lysandre
1 Dowsing Machine
2 Ultra Ball
2 Level Ball
2 Evosoda
1 Rare Candy
1 Professor's Letter
2 Switch
3 Max Potion
3 Hypnotoxic Laser
1 Super Rod
1 Startling Megaphone
1 Pal Pad
2 Muscle Band
2 Virbank City Gym
6 Grass Energy
3 Herb Energy
Power up M Heracross EX (Preferrably with Virizion), while moving damage away from him with Cherrim and Reuniclus. Continuously hit for 180 damage (230 with Muscle Band and Hypnotoxic/Virbank) to knock out anything.