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M Manectric EX / Kyurem


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 11

  • 2 Seismitoad EX
    2 Kyurem (PLF)
    1 Kyurem (LTR)
    2-2 M-Manectric EX
    2 Mewtwo EX
Trainers: 37

  • 4 N
    4 Professor Juniper
    2 Colress
    2 Lysandre
    2 Skyla
    3 VS Seeker

    2 Max Potion
    1 Professor's Letter
    1 Tool Retriever
    2 Enhanced Hammer
    3 Ultra Ball
    3 Muscle Band
    2 Manectric Spirit Link
    1 Dowsing Machine (ACE)
    2 Switch
    1 Escape Rope

    2 Magnetic Storm
Energy: 11

  • 5 Water Energy
    3 Lighting Energy
    3 DCE

Start with either Manectric or Seismitoad. Charge up Plasma Kyurem for fighting, using M Manectric EX. Manectric EX is for Yveltals. Magnetic storm is there to remove shadow circle and fighting stadiums. I'm not sure about Seismitoad here though. Should I replace ?