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M Manectric EX / Landorus EX / Hawlucha


Kingdra Player!

  • 3 Landorus EX
    2 Landorus FFI
    2 M Manectric EX
    2 Manectric EX
    2 Hawlucha FFI

  • 4 Ultra Ball
    4 Switch
    3 Muscle Band
    2 VS Seeker
    2 Battle Compressor
    2 Enhanced Hammer
    2 Manectric Spirit Link
    1 Professor's Letter
    1 Computer Search

    4 Professor Juniper
    4 N
    3 Korrina
    2 Lysandre
    1 Colress

    2 Fighting Stadium

  • 4 Strong Energy
    4 Fighting Energy
    4 Lightning Energy

Strategy is to get out a Mega Manectric EX out as fast as possible. Battle Compressors are used to get the energy into the discard pile in order to use Manectric EX to attach them to Landorus EX. Hawlucha is used for anti-EX. The normal Landorus is used for energy acceleration as well.
I feel I may have some problems vs Donphan, VirGen, and anything with Seismitoad EX.
Please help me with this deck to get it ready for States. Thanks in advance!

edit: also want to ask, what is the expanded format and when is it used?
RE: Manectric EX/Landorus EX/Hawlucha

Why do you need to energy accelerate Landorus? Also expanded format is Black and White on
RE: Manectric EX/Landorus EX/Hawlucha

The reason to energy accelerate Landorus EX would be so I could be able to Land's Judgement for 150 consistently