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Expanded M Manectric EX / Shiftry


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 17
  • 3-3 M Manectric EX
  • 3-1-3 Shiftry FLF
  • 1 Tropius PLB
  • 1 Dedenne FRF
  • 1 Shaymin EX
  • 1 Jirachi EX
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 32
  • 3 Professor Sycamore
  • 1 N
  • 1 Colress
  • 1 Fan Club
  • 1 Teammates
  • 1 Lysandre
  • 4 Ultra Ball
  • 3 VS Seeker
  • 3 Rare Candy
  • 3 Manectric Spirit Link
  • 2 Energy Retrieval
  • 2 Sky Field
  • 1 Max Potion
  • 1 Professor's Letter
  • 1 Switch
  • 1 Escape Rope
  • 1 Tool Scrapper
  • 1 Sacred Ash
  • 1 Dowsing Machine
Energy: 11
  • 7 Grass Energy
  • 4 Lightning Energy

The main strategy is to use Manctric to charge Shiftry. Shiftry to leaf draw and get energy in the discard for turbo bolt and to deranged dance for large damage. Jirachi and Shaymin to support. Tropius and Dedenne as low energy no ex attackers, setup, and more bench pokemon.

Im not sure how i feel about not running a 4-1-4 and 3-3 line of my main attackers. Especially without trump card. This deck also runs a little low on supporters, so toad could be a problem. I might consider adding a Virizion Ex in exchange for one of the 2 extra pokemon to add addition energy acceleration, and status protection. I just don't have an extra one laying around.
Cant decide if i want to add another shaymin. Or mega turbos. Either way its just not consistent enough atm.
I enjoyed this deck a lot with 4-2-4 shiftry, 4 miltank, 2 eggs, and 2 shaymin, it definitely had mad draw power, that and the 4 trainers mail, definitely got things going. I notice that there is a lot of 1 of techs that do seem like a good idea, but to many techs reduce consistency. When I was testing this the only tech I ran was sacred ash everything else was draw power and rare candys the more techs I ran the less consistency I had. I hope this helps, shiftry is a fun deck and does some pretty dangerous dmg, slow but very good.
Yeah straight shiftry is pretty great. I have built that deck before. But i do want to try some sort of mixture with manectric. atm without the new plant stadium. Shiftry doesn't do well against item lock. I also have Dowsing Machine to help out with the one ofs.

I also found that even if i get an attachment each turn, without some sort of energy acceleration, shiftry can fall behind pretty hard against non ex decks. Which is why I usually use Milotic. but that makes it harder to hit the proper amount of bench pokemon and have energy at the same time.
Then play ditto and 3-4 sky field, ditto lets you to play a shiftry or milotic the turn in which you play them down, more sky field just puts you in more of a position to swing with shiftry. And if energy accel is an issue, illumise, its essentially 2 slots versus 7 for essentially 2 pokemon in play and gets around item lock pretty easily.