The strategy behind this deck is to counter Many of the decks that I expect to be in the meta now that Primal Clash is out. I expect the meta to still have Yvelata EX and varrients, Vir/ Gen varrients, both of the new primal pokemon, Metal decks, and fairy decks. M Manectric EX is for the Yveltal EX's that will still be played while also accelerating energy onto Trevnant EX and Magcargo. Trevnant EX is your counter to primal pokemon as well as seismitoad EX. Magcargo is your counter to Vir/ Gen, Metal decks and safe guard pokemon. Aegislash with 2 metel energy, a muscle band and a hypnoxic laser KO's any fairy pokemon. What do you guys think. I havent been able to get any of the Primal clash pokemon so i havent been able to test the deck.
2 Manectric EX
2 M Manectric EX
2 Slugma
2 Magcorgo ( Ancient Trait)
2 Trevenant EX
2 Aegislash EX
4 Professor Juniper
4 N
1 Lysandre
2 Skyla
2 Professor Birch's Observation
2 VS Seeker
4 Ultra Ball
2 Professor's Letter
4 Hypnotoxic Laser
3 Muscle band
2 Manectric Spirit Link
1 Dowsing Machine
1 Switch
1 Escape Rope
2 Virbank City Gym
3 Lightning Energy
5 Grass Energy
2 Fire Energy
2 Metal Energy
The strategy behind this deck is to counter Many of the decks that I expect to be in the meta now that Primal Clash is out. I expect the meta to still have Yvelata EX and varrients, Vir/ Gen varrients, both of the new primal pokemon, Metal decks, and fairy decks. M Manectric EX is for the Yveltal EX's that will still be played while also accelerating energy onto Trevnant EX and Magcargo. Trevnant EX is your counter to primal pokemon as well as seismitoad EX. Magcargo is your counter to Vir/ Gen, Metal decks and safe guard pokemon. Aegislash with 2 metel energy, a muscle band and a hypnoxic laser KO's any fairy pokemon. What do you guys think. I havent been able to get any of the Primal clash pokemon so i havent been able to test the deck.