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M Manectric EX/ Yveltal EX


Aspiring Trainer

  • 2 Manectric EX
    2 M Manectric EX
    2 Yveltal EX
    1 Mewtwo EX
    1 Drakrai EX
    1 Kyurem EX (Outrage)
    2 Yveltal (XY)
    1 Zekrom ( Bolt strik/ outrage)

  • 4 Professor Juniper
    4 N
    2 Lysnadre
    3 Skyla
    2 Colress
    1 lysandres trump card
    4 Ultra ball
    3 Muscle Band
    2 Manectric spirt link
    3 Shadow Circle
    1 Computer search
    2 Enanced Hammer
    3 VS seeker
    2 Escape rope

  • 3 Double Colress
    4 electric energy
    5 Dark energy

The strategy Behind this deck is to use M manectric EX and Yvelatal EX as your main attackers. Mewtwo EX is a good attacker and can be usful against psychic weak pokemon. Kyurem EX with out rage is a good counter to donphan as well as Landorus EX. Yveltal and Zekrom are good Non-EX attackers that can get around safeguarding pokemon.