Discussion M Mewtwo EX as a Tech


Aspiring Trainer

So lately, I've been wondering about the possibilities of using M Mewtwo as a 1-1 or 2-2 tech without Spirit Link. It's slow without the Spirit Link, but thanks to its attack, it's pretty much a hard punish against Pokemon that use a lot of energy, like Yveltal-EX or pretty much any Pokemon in a Fire deck. Has anyone else tested this out yet?
Tbh you would be better off with a lugia EX or yveltal EX surely?

Maybe in a fighting deck, cause you could korrina for the spirit link and a useful pokemon. But I dunno.
I could see using at least 5 or 6 deck spaces for m-mewtwo ex and spirit links. You'll need to have the space first.
I've been testing, thought it goes a bit more heavy with a 3/3 line. Out of everything I tested, and mostly because of Jolteon EX, it really puts every match at 50/50. I run a 3/3/2 Trev line with a 3/3 Mewtwo EX line and have received really good results with it. I do run the spirit links because MewTw is such an efficient attacker that it all comes down to speed. I also run Shrine of Memories and two wallies.
If you're looking for a counter for decks that use a lot of energy, I would recommend Dedenne from Furious Fists, which does 20 damage times the number of energy attached to your opponent's active pokemon, or searches your deck for 2 basic pokemon and puts them on your bench. Both of these attacks cost one colorless energy each, so it can be used as a tech in any deck. It could be a bench liability with only 70 HP, but it could force your opponent to play the seven-prize game. The reason I like Dedenne is because it hits two of the biggest energy-stacking decks in the format for weakness, which are Lugia EX and Yveltal EX, and Yveltal EX is huge in the format. I usually include it in most of my decks if they have a bad Yveltal matchup, such as Trevenant, because it only takes up one slot. It doesn't help much against M Mewtwo EX (Psychic Infinity) as a tech to punish energy-stackers, but M Mewtwo EX is not as big in the format as Yveltal or Lugia.
I just got back from a tournament at a card shop. I played a night march with a 1-1 M Mewtwo tech. NO regrets. However, i did play a link