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M-Rayquaza-EX / Raichu


Aspiring Trainer

  • 3x Rayquaza-EX [RSK]
    3x M Rayquaza-EX [RSK]
    2x Pikachu [FFI]
    2x Raichu [XY]
    3x Shaymin-EX [RSK]
    1x Vulpix [PCL]
    1x Ninetales [PCL]

  • 4x Mega Turbo
    3x VS Seeker
    2x Rayquaza Spirit Link
    1x Muscle Band
    4x Ultra Ball
    1x Switch
    1x Escape Rope
    1x Battle Compressor
    1x Professor's Letter

    1x Computer Search

    4x Professor Juniper
    4x N
    2x Colress
    1x Winona
    1x Lysandre

    3x Sky Field

  • 7x Lightning Energy
    4x Double Colorless Energy

Circle Circuit and Emerald Break are both super powerful with Sky Field, which allows 8 benched Pokémon. Colress is OP. With some handy Items and Traits, you can get a turn 1 Mega Rayquaza hitting for 180. Raichu can get some big KOs for one DCE and with Ninetales, they can't get rid of your Sky Field. Shaymin is a great setup pokémon with its ability "Setup"! :) Pretty simple!
Hi PokeBoss123,

Not sure on this built. At the moment the deck has a total of nine basics. In a deck focused on Raichu and M Rayquaza Ex this seems to be a real low Basic Pokémon count. I am also unsure whether it is a decent idea to run two attackers that need a full bench. Even when Ninetales locks in the stadium card there are means to discard it. Donphan and Primal Groundon Ex come ti mind here. Furthermore, the benched Shaymin have bullseyes printed on their heads. As an opponent I would focus on knocking out the three benched Shaymin Ex and ignore the main attackers. For that reason consider to replace the Ninetales line with Basic Pokémon. This allows Shaymin Ex to be discarded if the stadium card is removed. With Lysandre's Last Resort and Ultra Ball it is not hard at all to reuse discarded Shaymin Ex to fill the bench and draw some more cards.
Donphan isn't really played all that much. As for Groudon, sure they can discard the Stadium with Groudon's attack, but they can't play one themself to deal 200 damage. In fact, in that match up, I think I'd try to get Ninetales set up ASAP so they can't play Stadiums and then just not play your Stadium. I think if anything, a thicker Nineties line might be good. Probably does need a few more Basics.