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Standard M Tyranitar-EX / Yveltal / Forretress


Aspiring Trainer
Hi, so this is a fun deck, I need some advice on tools and general consistency. Thoughts as to the competitive nature of this deck are also appreciated.

Pokémon: 18
  • 4 Yveltal XY 78
  • 2 Pineco FLF 4
  • 2 Forretress FLF 60
  • 3 Tyranitar-EX AOR 42
  • 3 M Tyranitar-EX AOR 92
  • 1 Yveltal-EX PR-XY XY08
  • 1 Hoopa-EX AOR 36
  • 2 Shaymin-EX ROS 106
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 33
  • 2 AZ
  • 2 Lysandre
  • 4 Professor Birch's Observations
  • 4 Professor Sycamore
  • 2 Shauna
  • 1 Escape Rope
  • 1 Mega Turbo
  • 3 Paint Roller
  • 2 Switch
  • 2 Ultra Ball
  • 3 VS Seeker
  • 2 Hard Charm
  • 3 Tyranitar Spirit Link
  • 2 Faded Town
Energy: 9
  • 5 Darkness Energy
  • 4 Double Colorless Energy

The first few turns are crucial, hopefully a Yveltal XY78 is active and supplying Tyranitar with discarded energy. I have opted for Ffortress over bats as his ability places one damage counter to all opponents pokemon knocking that 180 hp active ex to 170. After this Destroyer King does 110+60 for each damage counter (170) finishing off all non mega pokes. I do run faded town but AZ is there to remove Ffortress from the active but also do another 10 to everything upon evolution. I run 3 paintrollers mainly to help against Groudon but also to stop Faded town doing too much damage on my megas as it's only 20 i need on opponents megas.

Any suggestions on how to ease my Tyranitars romp over the format?
A 4-4 or 4-3 Forretress line is will help getting 2 damage on your opponent. As for Paint Roller, Groudon won't be as popular with so much Grass, and Faded Town isn't that important since you're damaging yourself. Another Mega Turbo will help if you don't have an Yveltal. 4 Birch is too much since it relies on a flip. Also, 2 Ultra Balls isn't enough with only 8 draw Supporters. I hope this helps!
Faded Town could easily be moved to something like Shadow Circle if you fancied.
I'm also unsure if you're running enough tools - M Tyranitar is obviously prone to head ringers. I know you've got the spirit link and 2 hard charms.
It might just be me but it feels a little short in the energy department. Prize 2 Darkness energy and you're suddenly going to be in big trouble trying to get Destroyer King going.
Hey guys, all good ideas, I have (as we're all guilty of) continued to trim things to the point of non effectiveness. In thinking about it, it was probably because a few at my league play Don. Even though I'll just play Sceptile/Ariados/Plume if that's the case. To answer some of your thoughts, shadow circle is rarely effective being countered as you're attacked, same goes for team magma's base. If your opponent has a stadium in hand it was all for naught. The reason I'm running 5/6 tools is because they clunk my hand up prior to mega evolution. Perhaps it's Ttar but I cannot seem to smooth the tool attaches. I'm wondering whether to bother with any at all and just run a 1-1 Banette (inert tools guy). I definitley need more energy though.

I'm thinking this build is too slow and ergo noncompetitive. Vespiquen, Night March and any other speed deck run through this list. Groudon at least has barrier to help him. What do you guys think about a speedier Ttar list? Would battle compressors help kick start things?