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M Venusaur / Cinccino / Tangrowth


Aspiring Trainer
Experience Level: Returning to the game, haven't played since Rocket. So lets say low-intermediate.


  • 4 - Venusaur EX (XY)
    1 - M Venusaur EX (XY)
    2 - Tangela (LTR)
    1 - Tangrowth (LTR)
    1 - Minccino (LTR)
    1 - Cinccino (LTR)
    1 - Furfrou (XY)
    1 - Kangaskhan (PLB)
    1 - Tauros (XY)

  • 1 - Virbank City Gym
    1 - Professor Juniper
    1 - Bianca
    1 - Shauna
    2 - Team Flare Grunt
    2 - Cassius
    4 - Hypnotoxic Laser
    2 - Muscle Band
    2 - Hard Charm
    1 - Max Revive
    2 - Roller Skates
    1 - Red Card
    3 - Poke Ball
    2 - Great Ball
    3 - Professor's Letter

  • 15 - Grass Energy
    4 - Double Colorless Energy

Get Virbank City Gym out early. Utilize Hypnotoxic Laser and Venusaur EX's Poison Powder to start inflicting meaningful damage ASAP. Once poison is inflicted use Jungle Hammer (heal 30 damage from this pokemon) with a hard charm to extend the life of the active Venusaur EX to give time to get M Venusaur EX set up on the bench.

I know that I am lacking in draw trainers, and am probably too spread out in regards to which trainers I am including, I also think I may be a little heavy on energy, but with Crisis Vine requiring {G} {G} {G} {G} I don't want to be drawing for energy while M Venusaur EX is sitting vulnerable.
RE: M Venusaur

Hello! I would like to play against your deck in the future if it is possible (TCG Online). Well, as I see your trainer cards and energies, I thought that you may take out some energies and trainers to replace for searchers.

+2 Skyla [For looking for your Virbank City]

Since you run 3 Professor's letter, I think there is no need for 15 energies. Also, Ultra Balls instead of Pokeballs. Adding another 1-1 Cinccino would also work so you can have 50% to block attacks and build your M Venasaur. Adding another Virbank City and Juniper would also work. I like the set of this deck but I think if you test it, you will be slow with it. Maybe I am wrong, but that seems to me. Good Job! :)
RE: M Venusaur

I'm thinking about replacing the pokeballs with 2 Heavy Balls (M Venus and Venus both have 4x retreat) and another Virbank. I also want to add a couple more Junipers, so probably drop my {G} energy by 2. Maybe even add a scramble switch, so that I can have a Venusaur EX out attacking while I search for M Venusaur while I have a 2nd on my bench. Play my mega, then next turn scramble switch the energy over to Mega.
I think that's a very good idea, then you would not need to discard anything. But you need more specific searches so you can have everything in your hand when the moment is coming. Or well, if you are going to run a lot of energies, some ethers would work (?