Discussion M1 Prospective Setlist

CORE SET (003/126+)

Pokémon ex: 02/??
Mega Pokémon ex: 02/??

[???] Hop's Pincurchin 30px-Pokémon_ex.png (Gym Promo series 9)
[???] Ralts (Mega Symphonia, unrevealed)
[???] Kirlia (Mega Symphonia, unrevealed)
[???] Mega Gardevoir imagem_2025-02-27_120833856.png (Mega Symphonia)

[???] Riolu (Mega Brave, unrevealed)
[???] Mega Lucario imagem_2025-02-27_120833856.png (Mega Brave)

[???] Pokémon Center Lady (Gym Promo series 9, SSH#176)
[???] Premium Power Pro (Mega Brave)

Ability: Counterattack Quills - If this Pokémon is in the Active Spot and is damaged by an attack from your opponent’s Pokémon (even if this Pokémon is Knocked Out), put 3 damage counters on the Attacking Pokémon. / [L][L][C] Spike Thunder: 120 damage. Draw 2 cards.
Heal 60 damage from 1 of your Pokémon, and it recovers from all Special Conditions.
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Zebstrika (CoroCoro promo - January 2025)
Drifloon (Gym Promo series 9)
(Gym Promo series 9)
Eevee ("Battle With Your Deck - Get Eevee" Campaign, SCR#113)

[P] Pull: Switch in 1 of your opponent’s Benched Pokémon to the Active Spot.
[P] Creepy Wind: Your opponent’s Active Pokémon is now Confused. / [P][P] Balloon Return: 110 damage. Return this Pokémon and all attached cards to your hand.
[C] Call for Family: Search your deck for a Basic Pokemon and put it onto your Bench. Then, shuffle your deck. / [C][C] Gnaw: 20 damage.


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I wonder if this is going to be an SV set or the first set of a new mini-era given the Japanese set codes M1L and M1S.
I wonder if this is going to be an SV set or the first set of a new mini-era given the Japanese set codes M1L and M1S.
I think they are changing because since there are no Megas in Scarlet & Violet, it would make no sense to market this as being part of the SV block. For now I'll keep SV11 just for consistency sake, but if it's confirmed as a new era (like our logo not having the Scarlet & Violet portion), then I'll change it to M1.
We don't even have a SV10.5 perspective set list yet, the one with all of the 156 Unovan Pokémon plus Antique Cover Fossil and Antique Plume Fossil.
We don't even have a SV10.5 perspective set list yet, the one with all of the 156 Unovan Pokémon plus Antique Cover Fossil and Antique Plume Fossil.
Yes, because no cards from that set were revealed, unlike this one which already has 3 revealed cards. ;)