Mac OS vs Vista (MS didn't copy a thing from Mac OS)

PaperAirplane :F

Aspiring Trainer
Ok, I hope you know some basic facts about Mac OS and Vista.

incredibly funny

something other about mac & vista:

Well... every geek (even the most newbies) knows, how many things MS copied from Apple. Please discuss. If you want more things, I can tell you for many more of copies from Mac OS

I hear Vista not all that good and just the start button is a circle? I really don't know. But im a loyal Mac follower so i'd go with Mac.
OMG! Another Mac fan on Pokemon website :D I don't have Mac (umm... of course not, I'm 14), but my father does. It's the nicest computer ever seen and OS X is muuuuch better then Windows! You can't get viruses (one of the biggest pluses). And, yea, I was one week trying Vista, somewhere and it sucks (more or less - nicer, but not better). They did copy many things from Mac...

*raises hand* I'm a mac fan too! heck, i'm posting from a macbook! i would never go with anything else. mac until the end for me.
I was posting from a macbook also
wayyyy ditto.
Seriously its amazing how macs are. Dr. Ooler :F I might get one for my own soon and im 14 ( It was my bro's macbook ) Just tell your parents that you have alot of homework and you need one for yourself. That what im doing :F.
Konoha's_Hero said:
I hear Vista not all that good and just the start button is a circle? I really don't know. But im a loyal Mac follower so i'd go with Mac.

I had vista since March and it is awesome, takes some time to get used as anything else new. I guess the problem is that you need a semi-powerful computer to take maximum advantage of it.
Vista? You mean copymac? Oh, ok, yes, I'm using XP (someone kill me), but that's just because I got it with this computer and have no desire to pay for the original when I can have the copycat, I'd get mac if I need to change anyways.

A huge "LOL" a the 1st video, sarcasm FTW!

Well, at least Bill showed us that crime does pay if you earn enough money :)