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Machamp Prime ( Senior, Cities)


Aspiring Trainer
4-3-4 machamp (2 prime, 2 sf)
2 Ditto LA
1 Regice
2 Uxie
1 Azelf

2 Cynthia's feelings
3 Warp point
3 Seekers
1 Palmers
4 Collectors
4 Rare Candy
4 bebe's
2 Expert belt
1 luxury ball

4 call
2 {C}{C}
2 rainbow
5 {F}
3 rescue

Strategy: Setup with either Ditto or Machop and start setting up Machamp. Then just go killing from there.

1. Rate this deck 1-5
2. Do you think this can make top cut at Cities?
Oh sorry, but Ditto is used to copy starters like Spiritomb and can be used to attack normal pokemon like Garchomp C
What if your opponent doesn't start with a Spiritomb or Sableye? Or if their starter is Smeargle? I suggest starting with Smeargle if you want to copy your opponents cards. Its more reliable.
While play testing this deck I ran into the same situation. Ditto can keep itself up as long as you have energies which I always get some in the beginning. Ex. My opponent started with garchomp c I could easily set up machamp prime then use fighting tag to bring up a heavy hitter. See this deck sets up so fast that if I setup with ditto and my opponent has something random I can just fighting tag the second turn. Plus Smeargle is usually a start for decks that have mainly supporters.