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Machamp Prime Time (Any and All)


Team Rocket Grunt
PrimeChamp List
3-2-3 Machamp (2 Prime, 1 SF)
1-1 Donphan Prime (CoL Phanpy)
2-2 Umbreon (Eevee w Call for Family, Umbreon with Moonlight Fang)
1 Azelf
2-1 Uxie Lv. X

3 Bebe’s Search
2 Pokemon Collector
2 Rare Candy
2 Interviewer’s Questions
1 Expert Belt
1 Palmer’s
2 Pokemon Communication
2 Seeker
3 Professor Oak's Visit
1 Luxury Ball
2 Pokedex

2 {C}{C}
2 Special {D}
1 {D}
1 Warp
3 Rescue
7 {F}

EDIT: Added
+1-1 Uxie Lv. X
+1 Luxury Ball
+2 Pokedex

-1-1-1 Nidoqueen
-1-1 Donphan Prime
-1 {P}
-1 {F}

Strategy: The strategy here is to get lucky and start off with either Machamp or Donphan and do the donk dance. If that fails, set up SF Machamp on the bench while Donphan fills up my bench with damage counters, fighting tag in and punch people in the face.

Umbreon is my Gengar/SP counter to stall while I get set up depending on the situation. Out of the 10 people I usually play, at least 3 use Lost Gar or another Gengar Variant.

Interviewers I added for some Energy support. Seemed to have many dry spells. DC is for Prime's attack. Tested it against LuxChomp and it tends to do well. Any suggestions?
Waitwaitwait. Nidoqueen? Why not power up Machamp's 2nd attack? (forgot the name). I'd say take out that 1-1-1 line; it's hard to set up. Instead, put in another Pokémon Communcation, Uxie, and E-Belt. All cards you will need more of for consistency.
The reason I play Nidoqueen is for when I get stuck with a donphan as active and destroying my own bench. However, I see your point in more consistency. I will consider dropping the line.

After reading over the list I found that I have 20 Energies. This seems like a little much. Thoughts?
a lot of energies in your deck can slow you down, so i recommend taking out 6 of the Fighting energy for some well needed trainers, supporters and stadiums, so you can make this deck a lot quicker, considering that you now will not have a hand full of energy all the time.
Made some adjustments to try to increase consistency and draw power. I am considering adding a 1-1-1 Machamp SF into the mix.