Ok so I'm waiting on cards to finish scizor prime so I figured id run machamp till then.
At first glance this card looks great and fast, but I've read so much on how's its slow and needs a strong second attacker.
Here's what I have so far.
3-2-3-1 machamp sf
3 aerodactly gl
2-2 sandslash I beilieve its sv the one with dig down
2 chatot g
12 fighting energy
1 lux ball
2 poke radar
2 pokemon circulator
2 ruins of alph
2 lucky egg
1 eng adj
4 candy
3 poke comm
1 lookers
2 cyrus in
2 poke collector
4 bebe
2 judge
2 warp
Here's I want to play this deck. Obviosly set up fast and sweep with machamp. But
Aerodactly let's me slow your evolving
Chatot to make sure you don't draw evolution cards
Sandslash to draw energy and stall if needed
Cryus to get rid of evolution cards
I want to take fast cheap prizes, dissrupt your hand and kill off basics. Any ideas?
At first glance this card looks great and fast, but I've read so much on how's its slow and needs a strong second attacker.
Here's what I have so far.
3-2-3-1 machamp sf
3 aerodactly gl
2-2 sandslash I beilieve its sv the one with dig down
2 chatot g
12 fighting energy
1 lux ball
2 poke radar
2 pokemon circulator
2 ruins of alph
2 lucky egg
1 eng adj
4 candy
3 poke comm
1 lookers
2 cyrus in
2 poke collector
4 bebe
2 judge
2 warp
Here's I want to play this deck. Obviosly set up fast and sweep with machamp. But
Aerodactly let's me slow your evolving
Chatot to make sure you don't draw evolution cards
Sandslash to draw energy and stall if needed
Cryus to get rid of evolution cards
I want to take fast cheap prizes, dissrupt your hand and kill off basics. Any ideas?