Machamp Swarm or Normal?

What Deck Should I Use?

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Won My BR With Blazetran!
I'm problly going to use Machamp for worlds, saying how many SP decks are going to be there, and I was wondering about whitch kind of Machamp deck I should use: Swarm or Normal.
I've gone over the pros and cons but I still can't decide, what do you think?

Machamp Swarm:

Definatly kills SP decks
Higher chance of the game ending before it starts
Doesn't have a Lv.X to be killed by Flygon

Doesn't do to well ageinst Stage 2 Decks
Uses more room with BTS, more Uxies, etc.

Normal Machamp:

Higher Damage Output
Doesn't NEED BTS, More Uxies, etc.
Better in late-game

Has a Lv.X to be killed by Flygon
Takes up more $ to get the Lv.X
Lower chance of getting a T1 Donk

I've also thought of using GeChamp, I don't quite get the combo between the 2 though. (Could someone please explain it to me?)

What do you think I should use?
GeChamp uses attackers that complement each other. Gengar is for sniping claydol, uxie, mesprit, azelf, and etc....Machamp is for taking out basics and most dark type pokemon. It does have issues during early part of the match if the build is not correct.