Ruling Machamp - Take Out


Ok now I know if a UN-Evolved Pokemon has Unown G attached to it, Machamp cannot use Take Out on it. I read it in the Compendium that "The effect replaces the 40 damage". And since Unown G prevents effects, Take Out would do nothing.

But what if it WASN'T a Un-Evolved Pokemon?

Now I was always understood that if a EVOLVED Pokemon has G attached to it, Machamp can't use Take Out on it either.

But now I'm a little confused. Since it is NOT an Evolved Pokemon anymore, the effect would not replace the 40. So would it still do 40?

And if I can't use Take Out on a Evolved Pokemon w/ Unown G, WHY can't I? Can somebody put it into an actual explanation so I would know how to explain it to others? Thanks.
The damage is only replaced if the Defending Pokemon is non-evolved. Even if it has a G, It's still affected by damage. So, it still does 40.
Basically, Machamp checks to see if the Defending is Evolved or not first. If it is not Evolved it does the auto KO effect. If it is Evolved, it ignores the auto KO effect and just deals damage. Unown G prevents effects of attacks, but Machamp is not using an effect of an attack when it is checking the evolution status of the Defending Pokemon. It is making a check, and a check =/= an effect. Hope that's what you wanted, because that's how I interpreted it. Mind you I just woke up... :p
The 40 Doent go through, Ive benn playing this deck since i came out and that was a really big question.
Jimmy Jay, Kronar already explained it.

Machamp uses Take Out
Machamp checks to see if the defending Pokemon is evolved or not.
Machamp sees an unevolved Pokemon - Proceeds to use the effect
Machamp gets met with Unown G and therefore fails
Machamp sees an evolved Pokemon - Proceeds to ignore the effect
Machamp does 40 damage regardless of Unown G or not.
Machamp would normaly do 40 damage to any pokemon accept a basic, or basic lv.x. So a basic w/UG, an evolved w/UG, or any others would recieve 40 since the 40 is the attack, not the effect of the attack.
Lou Cypher said:
Jimmy Jay, Kronar already explained it.

Machamp uses Take Out
Machamp checks to see if the defending Pokemon is evolved or not.
Machamp sees an unevolved Pokemon - Proceeds to use the effect
Machamp gets met with Unown G and therefore fails
Machamp sees an evolved Pokemon - Proceeds to ignore the effect
Machamp does 40 damage regardless of Unown G or not.


Juliacoolo said:
Machamp would normaly do 40 damage to any pokemon accept a basic, or basic lv.x. So a basic w/UG, an evolved w/UG, or any others would recieve 40 since the 40 is the attack, not the effect of the attack.


Machamp's Take Out does not deal 40 damage to a Basic with Unown G attached to it. Machamp's Take Out attack reads, "If the Defending Pokemon isn't an Evolved Pokemon, that Pokemon is Knocked Out instead of damaged by this attack."

Having Unown G attached to the Basic Pokemon doesn't change the fact that it's a basic and therefore not damaged.

Guys, please, don't answer unless you're positive it's the correct answer.

If my word isn't enough,

Compendium said:
Q. If I have an unevolved Active Pokemon with Unown-G attached to it, and my opponent uses Machamp's "Take Out" attack, would it do nothing at all, or would it do 40 Damage?
A. It would do nothing. Since it is an unevolved Pokemon, the Knock Out effect replaces the 40 damage and that effect is blocked. (Nov 6, 2008 PUI Rules Team)
umm. cypher said if it's an EVOLVED POKEMON you ignore unown G :p. juliacoolo i think wrote the wording weird IDK..
ok ok ok to avoid confusion..

I KNOW that if the Pokemon Machamp uses Take Out on IS NOT an evolved Pokemon, and DOES have G attached to it, it wouldn't do anything. Why? Because the effect reads itself "If the Defending Pokemon isn't an Evolved Pokemon, that Pokemon is Knocked Out instead of damaged by this attack." And Unown G prevents that effect.

What I'm asking is this. EVERYONE in my area at BR's, Cities, etc. says that if an EVOLVED Pokemon (Stage 1 or 2) has G attached to it, Machamp can NOT use Take Out at ALL on that Defending Evolved Pokemon w/ Unown G, period. And I was just wondering if that is true. But from what I'm reading.. it does 40. And everyone in my area is wrong.
Yes, you're correct. If it is attacking an evolved Pokemon, it would do 40 damage straight up.
Jimmy Jay said:
The 40 Doent go through, Ive benn playing this deck since I came out and that was a really big question.

Thats right if its a basic pokemon and has unown G on it. It doesnt take damage and its not knock out because of unown G. Machamp only does damage to an evole pokemon and KO's a basic pokemon. Unown G cancels all effects so it does no damage and the pokemon does not get KO'd.

George2FRESH said:
ok ok ok to avoid confusion..

I KNOW that if the Pokemon Machamp uses Take Out on IS NOT an evolved Pokemon, and DOES have G attached to it, it wouldn't do anything. Why? Because the effect reads itself "If the Defending Pokemon isn't an Evolved Pokemon, that Pokemon is Knocked Out instead of damaged by this attack." And Unown G prevents that effect.

What I'm asking is this. EVERYONE in my area at BR's, Cities, etc. says that if an EVOLVED Pokemon (Stage 1 or 2) has G attached to it, Machamp can NOT use Take Out at ALL on that Defending Evolved Pokemon w/ Unown G, period. And I was just wondering if that is true. But from what I'm reading.. it does 40. And everyone in my area is wrong.

It does do 40 to an evolved even with unown G because its doing damage to an evole and unown G does pervent damage only effects. Which is take out if only an effect for basic pokemon and not evovled so the evoved pokemon take damage.