Discussion Magearna-EX/Metagross/M-Scizor-EX deck

Professor Pokenerf

Aspiring Trainer
I'm sure everyone's heard of M-Scizor-EX decks, but I have an idea of how to make Magearna-EX work in this deck. First of all, the reason why this is extremely useful in standard is that Magearna-EX isn't affected by Giratina-EX's renegade pulse ability, which prevents all effects of attacks, including damage, done to Giratina-EX from Mega Evolution Pokemon. This is the reason why Giratina-EX usually beats M-Scizor-EX, as well as many other Mega Pokemon decks. Adding Magearna-EX could remedy this. As well as being able to use Ninja Boy (into a Scizor-EX ready to Mega Evolve) and Fighting Fury Belt, Magearna-EX can be used wisely if you have another Magearna-EX or a M-Scizor-EX on the bench as well as a Metagross (not the ancient trait version.) Say your oponent only has a Frogadier that hasn't got to attack yet and a Shaymin-EX. What you could do is use a Max Elixir twice for Scizor-EX, use a switch on your Magearna-EX that has a metal energy on it for Scizor-EX, get a Beldum on your bench, use a Wally to evolve it into Metang and use Gale Thrust to knock out the Frogadier. If they don't get a basic Pokemon in time, use an Ultra/Heavy Ball to switch Scizor-EX with Magearna-EX, attach a Fighting Fury Belt (although you don't need to,) attach a Double Colorless Energy and take the game with Soul Blaster. I know it's really situational, but knowing it could happen just makes you want to try it out, right?