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Standard Magikarp & Wailord


Aspiring Trainer
So I originally ran a water deck with the water Alolan Ninetiles GX as its main attacker but it just wasn't hitting numbers. So I'm trying to shake things up and try out a Magikarp Wailord deck to see if it fares any better.

  • 2 Magikarp & Wailord GX
  • 2-2 Quagsire
  • 2-2 Naganadel
  • 2 Articuno (Blizzard Veil)
  • 1 Ditto <>
  • 1 Tapu koko
  • 1 Volcanion <>
  • 1 Oranguru
  • 4 Ultra Ball
  • 3 Nest ball
  • 3 Ultra Space
  • 2 Switch
  • 1 Wondrous Labyrinth
  • 1 Beast Ring
  • 1 Counter Catcher
  • 1 Rescue Stretcher
  • 1 Exp Share
  • 1 Choice Band
  • 3 Cynthia
  • 4 Sightseer
  • 4 Sophocles
  • 1 Acerola
  • 14 Water
The problem is this deck tends to set up slower and if I dont get it in time, I'm in trouble. I dont know what to fix or where to start. Thanks!
I’ve no clue either. The list looks good to me, but try some other sites out to see if they have any working lists.
(For now however, this will function as a bump.)
This is a deck I have been hooked on for a while. May not win as much as I would like but it is so much fun. I have been running mysterious treasure and acro bike to help add some speed and consistency. Also, I don't see a guzma in your list. I like 2 choice band as it then allows ohko on zoro. The preferred starter is Cuno or Volc to get some damage on the board. Cyrus has been useful to get the opponent's board state under control.
I don't like Sightseer, you have plenty of ways to get water energy in the discard. Dump those for lillie. Perhaps even dump Sophocles for Erika's Hospitality. Then, add a Lele GX to help you get that turn one Lillie, and/or later on Guzma/Cynthia.

Not sure if Articuno is needed, honestly. It's a nice idea, but you might be better off replacing those two pokemon slots with Guzma and/or accelerants.

Finally, do you need 2 quagsires out? Maybe run that line 1-2, and rely on Ditto <> if Wooper is prized?

The question is really do you want to just be attacking with M&W, in which case you should focus the deck solely on getting their energy requirements fed ASAP, or do you want to be attacking with other things? I feel like this is a little too much of column A and column B and doesn't do either one quite well enough. Focused totally on M&W might be faster/more efficient. That's why the P&Z decks work, anyway, though they have their own acceleration so obviously it's a bit different.