So I originally ran a water deck with the water Alolan Ninetiles GX as its main attacker but it just wasn't hitting numbers. So I'm trying to shake things up and try out a Magikarp Wailord deck to see if it fares any better.
- 2 Magikarp & Wailord GX
- 2-2 Quagsire
- 2-2 Naganadel
- 2 Articuno (Blizzard Veil)
- 1 Ditto <>
- 1 Tapu koko
- 1 Volcanion <>
- 1 Oranguru
- 4 Ultra Ball
- 3 Nest ball
- 3 Ultra Space
- 2 Switch
- 1 Wondrous Labyrinth
- 1 Beast Ring
- 1 Counter Catcher
- 1 Rescue Stretcher
- 1 Exp Share
- 1 Choice Band
- 3 Cynthia
- 4 Sightseer
- 4 Sophocles
- 1 Acerola
- 14 Water