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Magma Jet (Camerupt EX / Team Magma's Camerupt)


Aspiring Trainer

  • 3x Camerupt EX [PCL] (Attack)
    4x Team Magma's Numel [DCR] (Evolve)
    4x Team Magma's Camerupt [DCR] (Fuel)

  • 3x Muscle Band (Boost)
    4x Ultra Ball (Search)
    2x Repeat Ball (Search)
    2x Switch (Switch)
    1x Escape Rope (Switch)
    2x Startling Megaphone (Discard)
    2x Professor's Letter (Search)
    3x VS Seeker (Reuse)
    1x Computer Search (Search)

    4x Professor Sycamore (Draw)
    4x N (Draw)
    4x Blacksmith (Fuel)
    1x Lysandre (Disrupt)

    3x Scorched Earth (Draw)

  • 10x Fire Energy (Energy)
    3x Double Colorless Energy (Energy)

Team Magma's Camerupt - Fire - HP110
Stage 1 - Evolves from Team Magma's Numel

Ability: Burndraft
Once during your turn (before your attack), you may choose 1 [R] or [D] Energy card from your discard pile and attach it to this Pokemon.

[R][C][C] Fireball: 60 damage. Move 1 Basic Energy attached to this Pokemon to 1 of your Benched Pokemon.

Weakness: [W] (x2)
Resistance: None
Retreat: [C][C][C]

The strategy is to get a Camerupt EX active with a few Team Magma's Camerupt on the bench. Use Scorched Earth and Ultra Ball to get energy in the discard, and get it onto Magma's Camerupt with Burndraft. Then use Explosive Jet and discard those energy off the benched Magma's Camerupt. If you can get 4 M's Camerupt on the bench, you'll be getting a OHKO every single turn. Pretty similar to RayEels.
RE: Magma Jet (Camerupt EX/Team Magma's Camerupt)

I'd add some Battle Compressor + Blacksmith to the deck. You need to be able to stream at least 3 Fire energy per turn (4 on 180+HP poke) to keep getting KOs with Explosive Jet without discarding off of Camerupt EX. With only 9 Fire and 1 Professor's Letter, it's unlikely you'll be able to get 2 Fire on Camerupt EX and 3-4 Fire in discard consistently by turn 3. Not to mention setting up any Camerupt EX after the 1st will be a real pain... Compressor + Blacksmith is the way to go man.

Edit: love the title btw. not sure if the mtg reference was intentional or not, but:

RE: Magma Jet (Camerupt EX/Team Magma's Camerupt)

With Ultra Ball and Scorched Earth, don't really think I'll need Battle Compressor.

+2 Blacksmith
-1 Colress
-1 Professor Birch's Observations
-2 Repeat Ball
-2 Evosoda
-2 Pokemon Fan Club
-3 Skyla

+3 Team Magma's Great Ball
+1 Ultra Ball
+1 Teammates
+1 Professor's Letter
+2 Energy Switch
+1 Blacksmith or VS Seeker or Scorched Earth

Those are my recommended changes, there could also be some more cards from the Magma vs. Aqua set coming out, that you would add.

The Team Magma Ball is better than Evosoda and Repeat Ball. Skyla and PFC in the same deck is way too slow. Blacksmith makes this even slower. I can't see either being that great in this deck, since you should now be able to easily get out a bunch of Numel quickly. Added a Teammates tech, since it allows setting up a Camerupt EX to be very easy, or if you start your opponent tries to target down your Numel's on the bench. I think Energy Switch in this deck could be good, to help set up a Camerupt EX faster as well. Last spot is a toss up, depending on what you need.

Seismitoad is a huge problem however, but the deck looks like it could swarm the field very quickly, maybe clear up some room for off type attackers (Mewtwo EX looks promising), or a dedicated tech.
Hi PokeBoss123,

Nice deck. I like the idea to max out on both Camerupt since it makes Repeat Ball much more efficient and also helps with consistency. Consider the following modifications to make the deck a little faster:

- 2 Pokémon Fan Club (focus on stadium based draw and balls)
- 1 Double Colorless Energy (three should be sufficient)
- 3 Skyla (focus on stadium based draw and balls)
- 2 Evosoda (six balls in total suffice)

+ 2 Blacksmith (you want the quick acceleration for Camerupt Ex that magma's camerupt do not provide)
+ 1 Ultra Ball (best Pokémon search for this deck)
+ 1 Lysandre (choosing the defender is key)
+ 1 Vs Seeker (recycle key supporters)
+ 1 Professor's Letter (awesome inthis deck)
+ 1 Switch (your Pokémon have massive retreat costs)
+ 1 Fire Energy (search it, accelerate it and draw with it)

I am also tempted to cut one Muscle Band for a fourth Scorching Earth to maximize the odds of starting with it. In my current version I run Bicycle instead of Muscle Band to have some item-based draw but I am considering different options since I did not use them often in matches thus far. Hope this provides some initial assistance.
-2 Pokémon Fan Club
-1 DCE
-3 Skyla
-2 Evosoda

+2 Blacksmith
+1 Lysandre
+1 VS Seeker
+1 Ultra Ball
+1 Professor's Letter
+1 Fire Energy
+1 Switch

I'm going to play test it, and see if there are anymore changes that I should make!