• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.

Magmortar / Electivire / Magnezone

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is that a CC?
First time i made one of these. i apologize for any errors and if it's in the wrong place. Not sure what the prefixes even mean. I sell pharmacuetical/on semi conductor equipment and i'm the on site cisco tech. I already have enough abbreviations in my head without adding all of the set titles to the pile.
Pokemon: 15

  • 4x Magmar
    4x Magmortar
    3x Electabuzz
    3x Electivire
    1x Seismitoad EX
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 32

  • 1x Computer Search
    2x Training Center
    4x Professor Juniper
    4x N
    3x Bianca
    3x Blacksmith
    2x Skyla
    4x Evosoda
    2x Muscle Band
    2x Ultra Ball
    4x Switch
    1x Professor's Letter
Energy: 13

  • 4 Double Colorless Energy
    6 Fire Energy
    3 Lightning Energy

the strategy on this one is striaght forward. Use Electivire and Magmortar to your advantage during the match. Against flying/dark, electivire can hit for 200 for one electric energy. Tag team spark does 20+ 20-for each energy attached to magmortar (a fully loaded one, with 4 energy adds +80. Even not against a weakness, doing 100 for 1 energy is not bad. Against grass, water and all other types you have Magmortar who deals a crushing 160 damage. He does 180 if you have a Muscle Band attached. The evosoda's are to go after my stage ones. The ultra balls are for my Toad and Basics (ie. magmar and electabuzz)
Training center is probably the best stadium i could find for this deck. Making Magmortar and Electivire's HP climb from 120 to 150. Makes them harder to KO. I was going to go Virbank/Lasers but it would take up too much room and disrupt my current build and strategy. In stead of having 6 cards in my deck for poison, i added 2 Muscle Bands to pick up the slack and add the extra kick. While still leaving me space. Computer search is for the clutch play or emergency evolve. Leaving... 4 switch. I put them in because it keeps them all alive and i can choose who to send out, for the better match up. The only thing i need to figure out is how to squeeze a max potion into the deck, it would be to my advantage to be able to hit the reset on a Magmortar/Electivire and make them start all over again. Or i can heal a benched pokemon, to prevent the bench KO
Seismitoad is a huge threat here. It stops Items (most importantly Rare Candy) and gets Type Advantage against Magmortar. I would recommend at least 1 Magneton so you can at least have an opportunity to get Magnezone in play under that situation.
that is a good replacement. i guess you could always match toad against toad.
i think with a bangle, magmortar would still OHKO Toad. If not then a laser would finish.

actually now that i think about it, the 2 electric energy are there to power up Electivire. His attacks aren't half bad.
From someone that actually used to competitively test Magmortar/Electivire, let me just say that Electivire is always the ideal starter. It needs to be able to get in that quick damage to apply pressure while you set up Magmortar. As such, depending on whether or not your matchups are frequently against speed decks or not, you might want just 1 more L Energy.

If you're using Magnezone, I recommend a different Supporter line...

4 Juniper
4 N/Shauna
2 Lysandre
2 Blacksmith
1 Iris
1 Teammates
1 Xerosic

3 VS Seeker
That's not bad at all. I'm thinking of rebuilding it. I just don't think it can handle states. Maybe cities (until it got to the top 8). but at states, there's just too many players and variances. I may be wrong. Never ran it at a tourny. Maybe i'll build it over the summer for the first regionals/cities that i go to. then i'll post results :)

But running it with magnezone really does help. When you play 2 Blacksmiths and power up a magmortar in 1 turn, most people crap themselves. Once he's out, it makes even Vir/Gen decks look sloooow. :)
oXHASEOXo said:
But running it with magnezone really does help. When you play 2 Blacksmiths and power up a magmortar in 1 turn, most people crap themselves. Once he's out, it makes even Vir/Gen decks look sloooow. :)
Keep in mind that you CAN fully power-up a Magmortar by attaching a DCE and playing a single Blacksmith. I routinely did that when I played my version of this deck. The Poké I ran are:

3 Electabuzz
3 Electivire
4 Magmar
4 Magmortar
1 Mewtwo EX
2 Reshiram (Outrage)

Btw, Reshiram often proved to be the MVP (Most Valuable Pokémon) of the deck too... Fantastic starter (should a player even Emerald Slash this Poké turn 1, just smile and then KO the Genesect EX that received the G energy - lol).

IMO, Magnezone is really not needed and slows you down; secondly, there are great Supporters in the game now that really helps this deck and you can utilize more effectively the Magnezone-dedicated card slots for those cards, IMO.
TuxedoBlack said:
oXHASEOXo said:
But running it with magnezone really does help. When you play 2 Blacksmiths and power up a magmortar in 1 turn, most people crap themselves. Once he's out, it makes even Vir/Gen decks look sloooow. :)
Keep in mind that you CAN fully power-up a Magmortar by attaching a DCE and playing a single Blacksmith. I routinely did that when I played my version of this deck. The Poké I ran are:

3 Electabuzz
3 Electivire
4 Magmar
4 Magmortar
1 Mewtwo EX
2 Reshiram (Outrage)

Btw, Reshiram often proved to be the MVP (Most Valuable Pokémon) of the deck too... Fantastic starter (should a player even Emerald Slash this Poké turn 1, just smile and then KO the Genesect EX that received the G energy - lol).

IMO, Magnezone is really not needed and slows you down; secondly, there are great Supporters in the game now that really helps this deck and you can utilize more effectively the Magnezone-dedicated card slots for those cards, IMO.

I was actually thinking about this deck this morning. I'm thinking a 4-4 line of Evosoda and Ultra balls would make this deck scary. Coupled in with skyla and computer search. wow.. i may really need to build this deck. it's just violent. I love the scary dink decks. that and it'll give my Yveltal deck an extreme run for it's money. specially when Electivire starts dropping my Yveltal XYs and EXs like flys. Toad is the only thing i'd have to worry about, but i could tech a grass EX in if i really wanted to. Venasuar EX? or something. lol

But really, i think i'm building this next. After i build my Yveltal deck. Haven't bought probably a third of my deck because i want the right card combination before i purchase.
oXHASEOXo said:
Toad is the only thing i'd have to worry about, but i could tech a grass EX in if i really wanted to. Venasuar EX? or something. lol
Check out Leafeon (PLF) as a counter to Toad; it's great.
do you think i could Leafeon in with 4 Magmar, 4 Magmortar, 2 Electabuzz and 2 Electivire?
that's already 12 pokemon. I'd be pushing it with 2 grass EXs. Verizion is pretty easy to power up. maybe he'd work against toad.
4 magmar
4 magmortar
3 electabuzz
3 electivire
2 seismitoad ex
1-2 Venasaur EX or Verizion (103/101 or 15/113)

what do you think?
only reason why i'm worried about leafeon is because then i have to have eevee. i just wrote out magnezone to make room for more electi-line and grass type for toads. and i'll have the electi-line for flying types. might want to cram 4 switches and 4 potions in there so everyone can be in the fray :)
probably get away with 7 or 8 fire. 4 dce and 2-3 grass. 2 if i put in a prof. letter/energy search

alright! i'm convinced! i'm going to build a proxy of this on monday. i'll run it against my Proxy-ed Vir/gen and my Yveltal deck to see how it fares. if it crushes them, maybe i'll takes it to states instead of Yveltal and i'll post results :)
the fact that it can't be shut down by garbador is really appealing to me. the deck works off the attack effect. :)

hopefull i get a few answers before monday.
think it'd be better to go Virbank/Lasers? for the kick.
Trainer center for 30 hp boost to magmortar and electivire? Making their hp climb to 150. (near EX) and it would save me 4 laser spots.

Here's what i'm going to proxy for my test run
4x Magmar
4x Magmortar
3x Electabuzz
3x Electivire
1x Seismitoad EX
2x Venasaur EX

1x Computer Search
2x Training Center
4x Professor Juniper
4x N
3x Bianca
3x Blacksmith
2x Skyla
4x Evosoda
2x Ultra Ball
4x Switch
1x Professor’s Letter

4x Double Colorless Energy
5x Fire Energy
2x Grass Energy
2x Electric Energy

The idea being that i've got a descent spread of power from supporters and items. If i run in to a toad i can supporter some help. Allows me to Venasaur his toad and put it to sleep.
If i don't run into a toad then my items help me go after whatever i want. :)
A few thoughts:

  • By the way, a Muscle Band'ed Magmortar with a benched Electivire can 1HKO a Seismitoad EX.
  • First, let's focus on the deck's core: Magmortar and Electivire. You have a 4-4 and 3-3 Poke lines, respectively. These are solid in getting your bench established consistently. Should the deck get tight on space, you could even try a 4-3 Magmortar and/or 3-2 Electivire lines, along as yo also consider running a Lysandre's Trump Card to help recover and recycle discarded resources.
  • Since this deck has Stage 1 Poke at its core, you need some starting Poke that has better-than-average HP or you can possibly accept playing from behind in the prize count, early game. Poke like Reshiram (Outrage), IMO, is an excellent starter for this particular deck since it has relatively high HP for a Basic Poke, has solid 2 attacks of which the first is a menacing Outrage for CC energy cost, and can possibly take 2+ hits before being KOd. Needless to say, Reshiram fits your energy scheme too and is favorable recipient from a played Blacksmith.

    As a VirGen player, what to you do T1 if your opponent flips over a Reshiram? You have a tough choice to make should you not have a Lysandre in hand in order to displace the Reshiram... If that Reshiram is Emerald Slashed, you then just attach a Muscle Band and DCE, Lysandre the Genesect EX that just received the energy from the previous Emerald Slash, and Outrage to KO the Genesect EX. :D
  • Minimizing the diversity of your energy mix is advantageous; it will make it easier to get the needed energy when needed. So, mainitaining just R and L energy is a lot easier to manage than incorporating R, G, and L. If you then think about using Rainbow, those introduce other issues such as a 100% chance that your opponent can E Hammer those away and you can only recover those special energy via a Lysandre's Trump Card.
If you are concerned about opposing Seismitoad EXs, then Leafeon (PLF) has advantages over both Venasaur EX or Virizion:

  • Leafeon, although a Stage 1 Poke, is easier to setup since its primary attack only requires a single C energy. This is huge.
  • Both VEX and Virizion require more energy to attack, as well as primary G energy. VEX also would require a minimum of 3 turns to power-up in order to 1HKO a Seismitoad. Virizion requires multiple hits in order to KO a Seismitoad via Leaf Wallop.
  • Leafeon, should your opponent "stockpile" energy on his/her side, can simply 1HKO the Seismitoad EX for just C energy.
  • Also, opponents will also be mindful of that fact and may not attach energy as often as a result. This is another advantage.
  • Leafeon is a single prize when KOd; VEX is 2.
  • Some of the new Primal Clash meta decks are G-weak; so, Leafeon will prove quite useful in those match-ups.
As far as you revised list, I'd offer the following suggestions for your consideration:

  • -1 Seismitoad. This "1-of" really does not "really" fit the scheme of the deck, IMO.
    -2 Venasaur EX. Not the most "efficient" Seismitoad EX counter, IMO.
    -1 Magmortar. 3 should be sufficient, IMO.
    -1 Electivire. 2 should be sufficient, IMO.

    -3 Bianca. Not a great card-draw given other choices. Also, when running Blacksmith, another Supporter, you may find that a different card-drawing engine may be more efficient to reduce/minimize the number of Supporter "clashes" (needing to play both card-draw and a Blacksmith during the same turn) you might have.
    -1 Blacksmith. 2 should be sufficient, IMO.
    -2 Skyla. Not really needed, IMO, and also to reduce Supporter clashes.
    -1 Evosoda. 3 should be sufficient, IMO.
    -2 Switch. Not really needed now, IMO, since you don't have any "fat" retreaters. Also, most likely, your opponents will just 1HKO your Poke.

    -2 G

    +2 Reshiram.

    +1 Pokemon Fan Club. To help setup you bench faster.
    +2 Fiery Torch. Supplemental Item-based card-draw. Also, helps to get R energy into your discard pile for an eventual Blacksmith play.
    +2 Lysandre. Really need these to gust benched Poke to the Defending Poke position for eventual KO.
    +2 VS Seeker. AMAZING Item to recover and reuse discarded Supporters.
    +1 Lysandre's Trump card. To recover and recycle discarded resources.
    +3 Muscle Bands. Needed to help your Poke hit the numbers for 1HKOs (2 at most).

    +3 R
Lastly, playtest, playtest, and playtest till you find the right combo of cards you like.

I hope these comments are helpful.
TuxedoBlack said:
A few thoughts:

  • By the way, a Muscle Band'ed Magmortar with a benched Electivire can 1HKO a Seismitoad EX.
  • First, let's focus on the deck's core: Magmortar and Electivire. You have a 4-4 and 3-3 Poke lines, respectively. These are solid in getting your bench established consistently. Should the deck get tight on space, you could even try a 4-3 Magmortar and/or 3-2 Electivire lines, along as yo also consider running a Lysandre's Trump Card to help recover and recycle discarded resources.
  • Since this deck has Stage 1 Poke at its core, you need some starting Poke that has better-than-average HP or you can possibly accept playing from behind in the prize count, early game. Poke like Reshiram (Outrage), IMO, is an excellent starter for this particular deck since it has relatively high HP for a Basic Poke, has solid 2 attacks of which the first is a menacing Outrage for CC energy cost, and can possibly take 2+ hits before being KOd. Needless to say, Reshiram fits your energy scheme too and is favorable recipient from a played Blacksmith.

    As a VirGen player, what to you do T1 if your opponent flips over a Reshiram? You have a tough choice to make should you not have a Lysandre in hand in order to displace the Reshiram... If that Reshiram is Emerald Slashed, you then just attach a Muscle Band and DCE, Lysandre the Genesect EX that just received the energy from the previous Emerald Slash, and Outrage to KO the Genesect EX. :D
  • Minimizing the diversity of your energy mix is advantageous; it will make it easier to get the needed energy when needed. So, mainitaining just R and L energy is a lot easier to manage than incorporating R, G, and L. If you then think about using Rainbow, those introduce other issues such as a 100% chance that your opponent can E Hammer those away and you can only recover those special energy via a Lysandre's Trump Card.
If you are concerned about opposing Seismitoad EXs, then Leafeon (PLF) has advantages over both Venasaur EX or Virizion:

  • Leafeon, although a Stage 1 Poke, is easier to setup since its primary attack only requires a single C energy. This is huge.
  • Both VEX and Virizion require more energy to attack, as well as primary G energy. VEX also would require a minimum of 3 turns to power-up in order to 1HKO a Seismitoad. Virizion requires multiple hits in order to KO a Seismitoad via Leaf Wallop.
  • Leafeon, should your opponent "stockpile" energy on his/her side, can simply 1HKO the Seismitoad EX for just C energy.
  • Also, opponents will also be mindful of that fact and may not attach energy as often as a result. This is another advantage.
  • Leafeon is a single prize when KOd; VEX is 2.
  • Some of the new Primal Clash meta decks are G-weak; so, Leafeon will prove quite useful in those match-ups.
As far as you revised list, I'd offer the following suggestions for your consideration:

  • -1 Seismitoad. This "1-of" really does not "really" fit the scheme of the deck, IMO.
    -2 Venasaur EX. Not the most "efficient" Seismitoad EX counter, IMO.
    -1 Magmortar. 3 should be sufficient, IMO.
    -1 Electivire. 2 should be sufficient, IMO.

    -3 Bianca. Not a great card-draw given other choices. Also, when running Blacksmith, another Supporter, you may find that a different card-drawing engine may be more efficient to reduce/minimize the number of Supporter "clashes" (needing to play both card-draw and a Blacksmith during the same turn) you might have.
    -1 Blacksmith. 2 should be sufficient, IMO.
    -2 Skyla. Not really needed, IMO, and also to reduce Supporter clashes.
    -1 Evosoda. 3 should be sufficient, IMO.
    -2 Switch. Not really needed now, IMO, since you don't have any "fat" retreaters. Also, most likely, your opponents will just 1HKO your Poke.

    -2 G

    +2 Reshiram.

    +1 Pokemon Fan Club. To help setup you bench faster.
    +2 Fiery Torch. Supplemental Item-based card-draw. Also, helps to get R energy into your discard pile for an eventual Blacksmith play.
    +2 Lysandre. Really need these to gust benched Poke to the Defending Poke position for eventual KO.
    +2 VS Seeker. AMAZING Item to recover and reuse discarded Supporters.
    +1 Lysandre's Trump card. To recover and recycle discarded resources.
    +3 Muscle Bands. Needed to help your Poke hit the numbers for 1HKOs (2 at most).

    +3 R
Lastly, playtest, playtest, and playtest till you find the right combo of cards you like.

I hope these comments are helpful.

Tomorrow, I'm going to print off the proxy list of my deck list. And the cards/changes you suggested. I'm going to run it against my Yveltal deck and Vir/Gen deck. Whichever one wins (between Yveltal and Magmortar) is going to states with me.

I think we can actually build a LETHAL competitive deck list for MagVire. I love crushing Big N' Scary EX decks with dink decks. Last year i took Bouffalant and Drifblim with me, to cities. It was hilarious. I had the Top 8 worried about me getting in and i held probably 2 or 3 regulars from Top 8.
I placed 9th at the first. and 11th at the second. I was tied with 9th and 10th they got the better opponent boost. I had a really bad draw my first game. Won the rest.
The one i placed 9th at, i lost top 8 to the 8th place slot. He was running a plasma/lugia deck. It was ridiculous. He had like 16 special energy in his deck. With only 2 hammers and (even with 2 drifblim helping) i couldn't destroy his special energy quick enough. That and treating my bouffalants and drifblims like EXs, really killed me. He beat me 1-0 (prizes left). And he had some stud coffin guy that kept bench hitting me for kills and throwing my prize draw off (to uneven numbers) it saved him on the 1-0 finish.

Oh, and the reason why i want to try Vensaur EX is because he boosts my basic draw power. With Leafeon, what if i draw 1 Leafeon and 2 Magmortars? With 2 stage twos already in the deck i have to worry about giving up needless mulligans.
Venasaur EX does force me to add grass energy (i prefer over rainbow due to hammers) but the spread it gives me is amazing. Seismitoad can be used to delay my opponent and/or to hit fire/ground types. No extra energy need for him. Boosts my basic draw. Venasaur EX causes sleep, which can be a real pain and (without the roll) can force the opponent to switch. that limits them to needing 1 of (up to) 4 cards in their whole deck. Venasaur EX also gives me type advantage against water/ground. Electivire gives my flying and water. So i would have both of water's and fightings weakness with that combo. i also have the flying/dark covered and grass (obviously). But we'll have to see. Venasaur may be too much. in which case i'll drop him and toad for eevee/leafeon. I just like the spread i have covered with that combo. :)
i can be ready for most decks in an ultra ball and a energy search :)
Getting into the hammer range, there's a special grass energy that heals 30 when attaching (to a grass type). But also, (another downside) i'm not sure how i would get to it at a moments notice.
two other things.
Venasaur EX can be powered up in 2 turns. 1 grass and 1 dce. but i don't like the fact that it puts me using 3 people that need dce. I may ditch the 2 grass and venasaur for the extended trainers. I like leaving toad in because he can buy me time (if i can't find another dce) or if i threw a dce on him and the other 3 are prized (that's the max i've had/seen prized is 3 copies, of one card). But venasaur may need to go. It will not give me enough room to leafeon. unless i did a 2-2 count. But then it throws off my Pokemon count too much. and i don't want to lose to Vir/Gen deck with a fire deck, simply because i can't get to a Magmortar (due to all the other pokemon i MAY draw).
Maybe Reshiram, but if i go against a water deck, i'm really going to struggle. It may be better to just leave him out of the way and try to Magmortar (for the quicker win) or electivire for his attacks to avoid the weakness. with a powered up magmortar (on the bench) i can do 100 damage with the first attack (for one electric) or (for 1 electric and a dce) i can use gigavolt to either deal 90 dmg or 60 with paralysis. :)
omg... i love this deck!
heres my current line with adjustments from bottom
4x Magmar
4x Magmortar
3x Electabuzz
3x Electivire
1x Seismitoad EX

1x Computer Search
2x Training Center
4x Professor Juniper
4x N
3x Bianca
3x Blacksmith
2x Skyla
4x Evosoda
2x Muscle Band
2x Ultra Ball
4x Switch
1x Professor’s Letter

4x Double Colorless Energy
6x Fire Energy
3x Electric Energy

-2 Venasuar EX
-2 Grass Energy
+1 Electric Energy
+1 Fire Energy
+2 Muscle Band

i also ran
+1 Electric
+1 Max Potion
+2 Muscle Band
it was great! so i drew a dce, max potion-ed my Magmortar, attached the dce and then blacksmith-ed to have him fully loaded same turn :)

This is my new deck. I'm sure. I'm going to run it at states. Shut down my Vir/Gen deck, obviously. And crushed my Yveltal deck. that one energy attack with a benched and loaded Magmortar turns into 200 damage to Yveltal. Magmortar made short work of Darkrai and Seismitoad. I pulled Venasuar EX for that reason. He got in my way. It was better to focus on my Toad, Mortar and Vire. They really do make a sadistic trio, made of pretty much dinks. And the Stadium giving the 30 HP difference made a world of change. Pretty brutal deck. I'm going to keep revising until the 10th and then order the cards i'm missing. :)

Just wondering, i don't use PTCGO. Don't have enough promo cards or money to throw at them but. are there any other deck enthusiasts that have Skype? I would love to skype battle some time.

ADMIN! i hate to ask, but is there a way to rename thread? I created it magnezone and he's gone now :)
Maybe Magmortar/Electivire/Seismitoad
Could you please update your original post with your current deck list? Thanks!
Darkrai The Ruler 77 said:
I recommend 2 super rods

I swear you've read my mind. I've been thinking about that card since about 2 a.m. this morning.
I like the idea that it acts as a energy retrieval and i can go after any pokemon, correct? If so, then i can revive my fallen magmortars and electivires. as well as their pre-evolutions. It's a great card for this deck :)
i'm going to run my deck all night tonight and see how i can fit 2 super rods in. My list is just sooo tight right now. I like it how it is, so im not sure what to cough up. But i'll figure it out. Maybe i'll drop a Bianca and (if i have to) my toad. Or i could come back down on fire energy by 1. It's a hard list to adjust at the moment.

hey is Dragon Vault still legal?

Xerosic would be another good card to fit into my deck. :)
Are Enhanced Hammers still legal? if not he may be my alternative.
I like the idea of Iris as well, but if i have to Juniper to finish setting up then i can't Iris which could be detrimental. I think it's better to just run Muscle Bands. What do you think? I also have to watch my supporter count.

Nevermind the Hammer question. Found my answer in the database. I think i'm going to run 1-2 of them and 1 Xerosic (to run against Toads)

One last add in. for changes.
+1-2 Enhanced Hammers - let's me destroy special, which buys me time
+1 Xerosic - gets around the Toad and knocks his DCE off
+1-4 VS Seeker - great for choosing what supporter you need and it gives me extra copies of Xerosic if i need him.
+1-2 Super Rod - reason listed above.
+1-2 Rough Seas (stadium) – once per turn you may heal 30 dmg from each water and electric type. I like it because i can heal my Toad and Electivire every turn.
+1-2 Scorched Earth (Stadium) - *not as good* Once per turn you may discard a Fighting or Fire energy and draw 2 cards. I like it but it gives the ability for fighting decks to match me. Not sure if i want to give a Landorus deck, more draw power. I like that it preps my blacksmiths however, i need to have the energy in my hand so turns will get wasted where my Stadium is not getting used. Whereas, Training Center in constant, and so is rough seas. i guess the rough seas is useless if i get on shotted, though.
I've got a bigger problem. Got shut down last night due to a turn1 draw of a toad and dce. I need a Xerosic to hammer the toads, specially since i know there are straight Toad decks. Granted getting the toad and dce is luck but it still happens
Deck list just majorly changed again.
won't post it here due to it being so much different.
Magmortar and Electivire are now techs.
I'll link it in here (on a new thread) on the 21st or 22nd (not sure, I gotta get up at 4:30a.m. to get to states, lol)
with deck list and results on how it did. :)
This is what my deck turned into. As well as results from Colorado States.
Since you no longer want advice on your Magmortar / Electivire, I'm going to lock this thread. If you'd like advice on your Yveltal deck, you may make a new thread for that deck. If you want more advice on your Magmortar / Electivire deck, PM me and I will unlock this thread.

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