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Magmortar / Electrivire / Mewtwo EX


Aspiring Trainer

  • 3x Magmar (Furious Fist 10/111)
    3x Magmortar (Furious Fist 11/111)
    3x Electabuzz (Furious Fist 29/111)
    3x Electrivire (Furious Fist 30/111)
    2x Mewtwo EX (Legendary Treasures 54/113)
    1x Mr. Mime (Plasma Freeze 47/116)

  • 2x Professor's Letter
    2x Ultra Ball
    3x Training Center
    4x Muscle Band
    2x Evosoda
    2x Switch
    1x Pal Pad
    3x N
    1x Pokémon Fan Club
    1x Lysandre
    3x Skyla
    2x Blacksmith
    3x Professor Sycamore
    2x Colress

  • 3x Lightning Energy
    6x Fire Energy
    4x DCE

My deck is a great counter against popular decks like Virizion Genesect, Darkray Yveltal, Pyroar or Fighting decks.
Magmortar's twin burst knock out every Ex if you add in a muscle band.
Electrivire is very helpful if your opponent plays an Yveltal Ex or Luigia Ex.
Mewtwo Ex is an excellent counter against fighting decks.
Mr. Mime is for it's ability because my opponents always try to knock out my benched Electrivire or Magmortar.

(Ps: I want to put in a scramble switch (Switch a powered up, damaged, magmortar for a new one) w wich card should I discard?)
Let me just say this straight: Magmortar takes a lot of time to set up. Because of that, many times a Magmar will be Knocked Out before you can even evolve it. Because of that, I recommend a 4-4 Magmortar line and a 2-2 Electivire line.
Yeah I'd definetly agree that while this deck is really fun, it's not exactly playable. IF anything I would suggest another blacksmith for the easier magmorter setup and possibly another Mr. Mime for just some more backup magmar and electabuzz.