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MagneBoar (Magnezone & Emboar) [HGSS-on]

Will Magneboar be the BDIF?

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Aspiring Trainer
Hi everybody.
Please help me with this deck to make it the best it can be for my local tournaments and Grinders for World Championships. Post any comments/questions/changes you have regarding my list. Thanks.

Pokemon (21):
3-1-3 Magnezone Prime (TR-TR-TR)
2-1-2 Emboar (BW15-BW18-BW20)
2-2 Rayquaza & Deoxys LEGEND (UD-UD)
1 Reshiram (BW)
4 Cleffa (CL)

T/S/S (24):
4 Rare Candy (UL)
4 Pokemon Communication (HS)
3 Junk Arm (TR)
2 Energy Retrieval (BW)
2 Switch (BW)
4 Pokemon Collector (HS)
3 Judge (UL)
2 Professor Elm's Training Method (CL)

Energy (15):
10 Fire Energy (HS)
5 Lightning Energy (HS)

Total Cards (60)

Try to open with Cleffa and get out a Magnezone Prime and Emboar by turn 3-4. Bring up Reshiram if one is low on resources to get out another Magnezone Prime, and sweep. Bring up Rayquaza Deoxys LEGEND to OHKO almost everything in the format and win in an easy 3 turns.

Here are some cards I could use in my deck:
~More Reshiram


Thank you in advance.
RE: MagneBoar (Magnezone & Emboar) [HGSS-on]

This is just personal preference, but I like to use pluspwer in my magneboar.
Unfortunately I can't think what you could get rid of :(
RE: MagneBoar (Magnezone & Emboar) [HGSS-on]

Hey. It might help to add more Magneton and that Pokemon in between Emboar and Tepig (can't think of names.) It helps when maybe there is trainer lock and you need to evolve, so you can have a fighting chance. I also don't like only one Reshiram, so I suggest taking out a Rare Candy and a Junk Arm to add a Reshiram and a Magenton. Hope this helps!
RE: MagneBoar (Magnezone & Emboar) [HGSS-on]

I'm not a fan of PETM at all, and I'd probably drop them for PONT (unless you're REALLY worried about trainer lock). Late game when you're strapped for energies, the extra refresh might be handy.
RE: MagneBoar (Magnezone & Emboar) [HGSS-on]

Thanks Dialga 625, I never really considered PlusPower. You are right though, this is a pretty tight list and I don't know what to take out.

Hey Azelf. Trainer lock isn't that common anymore considering VileGar is gone, but I guess you are right since I can't really attack with Magnemite, I might need another Magneton to keep up with my opponent. I don't think I really need another Reshiram though, since I am usually tight on bench space. I'll test how 2 Magneton and 3 Rare Candy goes, and I'll post an update if it is better/worse.

Magnevire, PONT isn't really necessary, as I run 4 Cleffa, and I could just stall mid game. But I will consider it though.

Thanks, everyone. Keep the comments coming :).
RE: MagneBoar (Magnezone & Emboar) [HGSS-on]

honestly you could just drop reshiram completely since its magneboar and not reshiboar. plus you would almost always want to start with cleffa right? o_O I woulnt play plus power since you have RDL and he should honestly be your main focus because if you can get rdl out fast enough your opponent cant keep up. 2 prizes a turn... you cant beat that unless youre running spread. Which nobody is. so i would say...
-1 reshiram
-1 petm
- 2 rdl (one is usually enough because late game theyll usually have something ready for it... i see bouffalant becoming a common tech.)

+ as crazy as it sounds... (youre gonna laugh when i say this) but

+4 pokeball When it works youre gonna be happy. if not you junk arm it and try again til youre out of a hand then magnetic draw. it will set up RDL faster with pokemon communication and your draw power. At least try it!
RE: MagneBoar (Magnezone & Emboar) [HGSS-on] (Needs division in thread title)

^Reshiram is an excellent tech for certain matchups, and is necessary in this deck. However, I would only run 1, because discarding energy isn't this deck's focus(besides RDL).

As a deck change, I think 4 Cleffa is too much. 3 is just about right, since they can be Communicated away mid to late game, and is just enough for you to consistently start with it. I would also drop a Collector, 4 of anything just seems too much in any deck unless it's a main attacker or is absolutely necessary(in this deck, Rare Candy). I would add a Magneton and a Pignite(there's the name) for 1 Cleffa and a Collector. In other words:

- 1 Cleffa CoL
- 1 Pokemon Collector

+ 1 Magneton TM
+ 1 Pignite BW

I also am worried that you will not have enough energy to win against certain matchups, and may lose all of your energy before you win. I advise you to test a lot and see if you have enough energy to be able to win the game(considering your energies could be prized, which hurts you early game if you don't run enough).

Hope this helped.
RE: MagneBoar (Magnezone & Emboar) [HGSS-on] (Needs division in thread title)

Consistency. Consistency. Consistency. You need to take out all those techs and focus on getting your main lines out by turn 3-4. Then you won't need the crazy techs. The main ones I'm talking about are Reshiram. You don't need Reshiram, although a 1-1 RDL is okay. Anything past that and your main lines is over complicating a deck that's simply good. Also, the Elm's aren't a good part of this deck and I'd consider a better draw option than Judge. Dual Balls never hurt.
RE: MagneBoar (Magnezone & Emboar) [HGSS-on]

Please include what set number the Tepig and Pignites are from. Also please include the strategy, no matter how obvious. Thanks :D

@ Black Belt Rene- C&C tourny's are now at 6 on Tuesdays, you should have came yesterday. Back on topic... Reshiram is pretty important (check the Strategy section) and because, like Yoshidude10 said, it is necessary against some matchups. Pokeball is too filppy, I don't really like it.

@ Yoshidude10- THANK YOU FOR UNDERSTANDING WHY I HAVE A RESHIRAM! 4 Cleffa is quite a bit, but I want to make sure I start with one. Do you think taking one out for a Tyrogue would be worth it (ya know, for them babies). The stage 1's annoy me a lot in this deck, since I do run 4 Rare Candy, 3 Junk Arm, and am hardly in need of them. Energy is sometimes a problem, but if I know what my opponent is playing going into a game, I can usually judge whether to use Magnezone Prime or Rayquaza Deoxys LEGEND.

@ win- No offense, but which crazy techs? lol. I have my 2 main Pokemon lines, 4 starters, 1 Reshiram for certain matchups, and Rayquaza Deoxys LEGEND for DonChamp and such. Judge is a great card in this deck, as it may disrupt your opponent and leave them with 4 cards, while you can Magnetic Draw yourself. Sage's Training for Elms? And Dual Ball is too flippy (I have bad luck with flips :p).

@ Tyraniking- All updated! :)
I actually considered adding Tyrogue in my post. It would be a cool idea, but it seems a little too overrated to donk T1, especially if you're running just one copy. I think your best idea would be to test with 2 Cleffa and 2 Tyrogue and see which one works better for you. I just think 4 of any card as I mentioned(unless it's a main attacker or helpful card) is taking up space.