• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.

Magneboar Magnezone/Emboar


I LieK PoGEyManZ
Pachirisu x2
Emboar 2(15)-2(18)-2
Ninetails 2(87)-2
Iglybuff x1
Stantler x2

Alph 4x1
Seeker x2
Twins x2
Energy exchangerx 4
Revive x2
Burned Tower x1
Alph 3 x1
Team Rocket's Tricery x1
Emcee's Chatter x2
10 Lightning
10 Fire

stratagey: set up/ stall using stantler and pachirisu ninetails and igglybufff :D the numbers in perenthesis are the set numbers
-2 Pachirisu they don't do much in this deck and you want to keep the Lightnings for Magnezone who can do more damage with them.
-1 Igglybuff it really isn't a very good card
-1 Magneton you should use rare candy instead of these
-2 Seeker it isn't that great in this deck as there is nothing you would want to pick up and it doesn't donk
-1 Twins you want to set up fast and not be behind with this deck, and if it works right you won't need 2 of these
-4 Energy Exchanger this deck doesn't need them that bad
-2 Revive this isn't a basic themed deck and you should be fine without these
-1 Burned Tower this is inferior to energy retrieval because it helps your opponent
-1 Alph Lithograph THREE this is relatively useless
-2 Team Rocket's Trickery there are better draw card than this and this deck isn't themed around discarding opponents hand
-2 Emcee's Chatter again, there are better draw cards
-5 Lightning Energy you don't need this many, with good draw power you can do without this

+1 Tepig 15 you want better chances of getting out emboar
+1 Emboar 20 same as above
+1-1 Rayquaza Deoxys Legend OR +2 Reshiram, you need a fire attacker
+4 Pokemon Collector best basic searcher in the format, you need it
+4 Pokemon Communication best overall pokemon searcher in the format, you need it
+4 Rare Candy helps evolve to stage 2 faster, in magneboar you need it
+4 Professor Oak's New Theory great hand refresher, without Cleffa you need it
+2 Energy Retrieval this helps get back discarded energy from Ninetales, RDL, or Reshiram (it's much better than Burned Tower)
+2 Junk Arm helps you reuse trainers such as Rare Candy, Pokemon Communication, and Energy Retrieval, very helpful

Something along these lines is good.