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Magneboar (Seniors, Fall Battle Roads)


Advanced Member


3 Tepig Tin Promo
2 Pignite 17/114
2 Emboar 20/144 (Inferno Fandango)

3 Magnemite TM
2 Magneton TM
3 Magnezone Prime TM

2 Shaymin UL

2 Pachirisu COL

2 Cleffa HGSS

1 Zorua
1 Zoroark

Total; 22 Pokemon


4 Prof.Elm's Training Method
4 Pokemon Communication
2 Judge
3 Interviewers Questions
1 Super Scoop Up
1 Seeker
3 Rare Candy

Total; 19


2 Rescue Energy
4 Lightning
13 Fire Energy

Total; 19

Strategy of the deck;


Lost Burn, for every energy you LZ, its x50. With Emboar's Inferno Fandango, you can load up energies, and hit for ridiculous amounts of damage.


Pachirisu's Poke-Power says that whenever you play it, you can attach up to 2 Lightning Energies. Then, with Shaymin;


You can move the energies around to anywhere (Magnezone to set it up), or you can put them elsewhere, and just have Magnezone LZ it from that Pokemon.


Zoroark is a back up attacker, mirror counter, and an awesome Pokemon to disrupt with, helping to rid of Reshiram, Zekrom, and a counter to anything Psychic or Dark that may show up.

PETM and Pokemon Communication is for searching out Pokemon that you may need. Judge is for a hand refresh that screws with your opponents hand, and you can get 6 cards with Magnetic Draw, making it better than PONT, since you will end up with the same # of cards, and maybe slow your opponent down in their setup. Scoop Up is to abuse Pachirisu and Shaymin's power, and to remove damage by picking up my attackers. Rare Candy is for speed/consistency when setting up Emboar and Magnezone. Cleffa is a good starter and provides for a free hand refresh if neccesary.

Suggestions and any help is always welcome.
I'd replace 1 Magneton with the themedeck Emboar, so you have a good backup attacker.
Also, I'd replace the 2 Shaymin and the 2 Pachirisu with 4 Cleffa HS, since you don't have a starter which is probably important next season.
Oh crud, i forgot to put that in.

Cleffa is in my real deck, just forgot to put it up, so;

-1 Magneton
-2 SSu

+ 1 Seeker
+ 2 Cleffa

I run 2 just because i found in testing that running more clogs up my hand.

Now i just need to edit that in
why make it so complicated? all the shaymin and pachi...i dont get it

i guess i need to put some fixes...

-2 rescue (its not needed...if you burn through 4 magnezone...ur doin it wrong)

+2 Lightning (nothing sucks more when you have a magnezone but no lightning cause its prized...)
Pachirisu is so that I can have a fully loaded and attackable Magnezone T2.

Pachirisu to load 2 energies onto itself, and Shaymin to move them to Magnemite and Rare Candy, or just onto a Magnezone if it's all ready evolved, and you can hit T2.
^get one magnezone out and you will get everything within about 2 turns because of the amazing draw power :p