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Magneboar (with badboar)


Aspiring Trainer
4-2-4 Emboar (2 Badboar) (Promo Tepig/Flame Charge Pignite)
3-1-2 Magnezone Prime (TR/TR/TR)
2 Reshiram B/W
1-1 Rayquaza&Deoxys Legend UD
1 Cleffa
1 Pichu

21 Pokemon

4 Twins
4 Collector
4 Communication
3 Junk Arm
2 Pokemon Catcher
2 Energy Retrieval
4 Rare Candy

23 T/S/S

8 Fire
5 Lightning

15 Energy

Main Pokemon:



The strategy of the deck:

Send out a Pichu T1 in order to fill your bench with magnemites and emboars. Proceed to set up, and before becoming even in prizes, use twins to grab RDL. Then, use RDL as a big finisher later on.

The problem that I am having with this build is the horribly low T/S/S count. Normally, it should be a lot higher. I am questioning whether the removal of magnezone (with electricity energies remaining for RDL) would be a positive or negative change (get it, positive/negative? MANGETS? me neither). I used to play a similar version of this with ninetales and shuckle which was very fast and reliable...


I took out 1-1 RDL, and the dual balls. I put the collectors back in, and bumped up to 3 magnemites. I also added energy retrieval.
I would not remove the Magnezones. They allow you to draw more cards to get those few T/S/S in your deck. I have not played with a Magneboar deck. But I have played against one. And Magnetic draw is just deadly with Fandago. Because you drop the energies like hot potatoes and then Draw some cards. Also I don't see why you would need Badboar. You already have a large attack force with the zones. So adding another stage 2 is really going to slow this already slow deck down. I would also consider some hand refeshers like P.o.n.t.s
The first version of this deck was simply just reshiboar, but i'm thinking now that Tornadus could go well in the deck.

Emboar, Reshiram and Ninetales - but with 4 dce, and Tornadus. Get some t2 prizes with Tornadus like a boss...

I made an update to this deck though. What I did was that I removed 1-1 RDL, the Dual Ball and some other stuff to fit in 2 Energy Retrieval and the two other collectors.