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Magnegatr (unlimited...for now)


Ahhhhh back.....er....kind of
losing so bad at cities made me think that i should use a more common deck so that i know it at least has a success rate so this is what is in my magnegatr deck. know that i pull bad cards (almost never primes. ive only pulled 3 primes and 0 lv x's so if i dont have many primes that is the reason)

3-2-1 magnezone prime
2-1-1 feraligatr prime
2-1-1 poitoed unleashed (wooo my poliwag from cities is in this!!)
2-1 starmie RR
1-1 golduck TR
1-1 Lanturn LA



Its a magnegatr deck so the strategy is written in stone. i put in some back up attackers mainly to go with feraligatr (golduck, lanturn). i put in politoed in for a back up in case of a prized magnezone or croconaw (i had 2 croconaws...dont know what happened to the other one) just load up the bench with water pokemon and possibly do 3 for each. im sure that this deck needs alot of fixing. just know i dont have uxie, mesprit, or azelf so dont recommend them. plus i have magnezone so i dont need uxie :p
How is this Unlimited?

It looks like all the cards are MD-on.

dmaster out.
Make the lines something like this:
2-1-2,3-2-3,4-3-4 etc.
And add in 4 Rare Candies and 2 BTS.
-1-1 Lanturn
-2-1-1 Politoad
+2 Magnezone Prime
+1 Gatr Prime
+4 Candy
+2 BTS
This wil make you deck more Consistent
I have some concerns regarding the structure of your, seeing as I have run the proxy for MagneGatr before and am familiar with its pros and cons.

First of all, you'll need a decent starter. None of your basics supply you with options if you are unable to evolve early on, and if you go first, you'll end up doing practically nothing, but attaching an energy. You might have lost your game already right there! To avoid this major hazard, let me suggest increcible starters like Sableye or perhaps Smeargle, both great cards that'll let you set up for your lost burn-attack later on.

Secondly, I would cut down on the number of different poke-lines you're running here. It seems as if you've created a horrible paradigm for yourself regarding the choice of a good line. As earlier mentioned, 3-2-3 for Mag, and 2-2-2 for Fera is a good place to start. But if you really feel that you need an attacker in addition to Mag, let me suggest Blastoise UL. Sniping for 100 every turn is freakin amazing!

Hope this helps;)
should i put in smeargle and sableye. i can take out lanturn. also i will work on getting another feraligatr and 2 more magnezones. i was thinking energy search for magnezone just in case i cant get the electric energy for him
Energy Search or Energy Exchanger would work for getting energy for Magnezone.
energy exchanger >>>>> energy search... especially if you're running that much energy

and you NEED starters, 3-2-3 zone and 2-2-2 gatr.... it won't work otherwise

you don't need any other evo lines other then zone and gatr

also, 2 uxie is staple, get your hands on those.
how is energy exchanger > energy search. you dont have to put a energy in your deck for energy search. so i can put down the water and then get an electric.
Or you could run 2/3 Cyrus's Conspiracy. You can get an energy card and a supporter for next turn or later in the game.
with 25 energy, i'm pretty sure you're NOT going to lose the game because you lost a water energy. anyway, you WANT less cards in your hand to draw more with magnezone/uxie. and, realistically, you shouldn't be running more then 15/16 energy.
When I was running BlastiGatr, I was running 13 water and 3 electric, because I had Lanturn prime in there, and I had a hard time drawing into energy to do anything. It sucked.
^ take that as an example idrumprettywell. plus if im only running around about 17 pokemon i will have PLENTY of room for extra energies thus why you run 25 also just so i can OHKO every turn no matter what. and with so many water energies in my deck/hand i wont have any cards in my hand most of the time. the only worry i have is constantly having no basics at the beginning and my opponent drawing so many cards that they are all set up by T1
You don't need to wait for incredible pulls in the HGSS-set - simply buy the primes as singles from a website! Feraligatr Prime costs you like 2 bucks...
i thought about that. should i take out the other one then. it gets a water out of my discard every turn which in this decks eyes is just another 50 damage :D
Use Blastoise UL as an Umbreon counter! Your opponent won't be able to handle its amazing snipe-ability;)
with blastoise, feraligatr, and magnezone the problem is retreat costs. unown q wont help to much. maybe exploud but that would be another stage 2
Blastoise has a Poke-Power. Eventually they will wise up and stop playing stuff on their Bench until Blastoise is 4HKO'd by Moonlight Fang.
