• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.



Aspiring Trainer
Trying out a new idea, 3 stage 2's might be riskay, but I suppose we'll see. Also, if the deck seems choppy/inconsistant it's due to lack of certain cards.

Pokemon :
3-2-3 Magnezone prime.{L}
2-1-2 Vileplume.{G}
3-2-2 Emboar(ability.){R}
2-1 Dodrio.{C}
Total : 23

Trainers :
-1 Pokegear.
-1 Dual Ball.
-4 Pokemon Communications.
-3 Rare Candy.
Total : 9

Supporters :
-2 Interviewer's Questions.
-2 Professor Juniper.
-3 Professor Oak's New Theory.
-1 Twins.
Total : 8

Energy :
-5 {L}
-15 {R}
Total : 20

Strategy : Magnezone is first priority, then Vileplume and obviously Emboar. The reasons being Magnezone's Magnetic draw poke-power allowing me to draw until 6 cards are in my hand and Magnezone will be being the main attacker. Second, Vileplume will be locking the opponents trainers(Rare candy, communication, catcher when it comes out, etc.) And then possibly the most important, Emboar. Allowing unlimited energy dropping on whoever I choose, both freeing my hand size for more Magnetic draw and the use of Magnezone's attack "Lost Crush." Lost crush allows me to put how many ever energies from whichever of my pokemon in the lost zone, doing 50 damage to my opponent's pokemon for each energy. If worse comes to worse I may use Emboar as a main attacker.

Deck Strengths :
-Ability to choose how much damage i'd like to do and the ability to do it.
-Extreme draw power.
-Locking opponent's trainers.
-Resistance to scizor/steelix decks.

Deck Weaknesses :
-Possibility to deck out.
-Deeply threatened by any Umbreon "Moonlight fang" deck.
I would suggest Cleffa for a starter, it will help you get set up faster. Since you have NO starter, Cleffa is the best option. (How many people play Umbreon anymore. :p)