Ruling MAGNETON Power keepers question


Aspiring Trainer
Sorry If someone already asked this question bt this is about the attack.

The attack is MAGNETIC FORCE. It says "Does 10 damage times the amount of Energy attached to all of your pokemon (including Magneton).

Does this mean if I have enough energy attached to Magneton to use the attack, AND a double rainbow energy attached to a benched pokemon, does the attack do 30 or 40? If neither are right please correct me and tell me the true meaning. Thanks!
if magneton has the energy to use his attack and a benched pokemon has a DRE (double rainbow energy) attached to it it would do 40 if those are the only pokemon in play
be cause DRE specificaly states"when the pokemonithis card is attacheded to is the Defending pokemon,whenever that pokemon attacks its attacks are reduced by 10"
Bulbasaur45 said:
if magneton has the energy to use his attack and a benched pokemon has a DRE (double rainbow energy) attached to it it would do 40 if those are the only pokemon in play
be cause DRE specificaly states"when the pokemonithis card is attacheded to is the Defending pokemon,whenever that pokemon attacks its attacks are reduced by 10"

Thank you! I think I get it know.
Yeah but DRE only adds +10 when Magneton uses that attack. DRE PROVIDES 2 energy, but it is only 1 energy CARD.
Yeah, but Magneton doesn't care for Energy CARDS, but for ENERGY. Since DRE provides 2 energy...
DRE should be attached to bench Pokemon so that it doesn't -10.It can be a very strong attack. The answer to your question would be 40 damage.