• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.

Magnezone EX / Duskull / Meowstic



  • 2 Magnezone EX
    4 Duskull
    3 Espurr
    3 Meowstic

  • 4 Switch
    3/4 Professor's Letter
    1 Fairy Garden (Maybe)
    2 Pokemon fan club
    2 Lysandre
    2 Pokemon Center Lady

  • 6 Electric
    6 Psychic
    4 Fairy

The strategy for this deck is to get meowstic & magnezone-EX out as quickly as possible. the point of magnezone-EX is to deal fairly big damage to your opponents pokemon and then meowstic moves it to one pokemon. using this you can take down some pokemon pretty easy in 2 turns it also allows you to attack any pokemon benched or not. I know I dont have a full list because this deck is still in development I was hoping some of you guys would be able to help me out :) this deck also needs to switch alot which is why I included the fairy garden and fairy energy. oh the point of duskull is if the opponent has a fairly weak pokemon you can keep reviving it for one energy and just take it down using magnezone. anyways if any one can help me with the deck it would be greatly appreciated! Thank you

Edited to coincide with the rules! :D ~Kecleon
RE: need card advice for Magnezone/duskull

Ekans is epic said:
Sorry to say this but;
IMO this deck isn't good

-2 magnezone EX
-4 Duskull
- 1/1 line of Meowstic

+2/2 Garbodor LTR line
+ 4/3 Gourgeist XY Line
+1 Mewtwo EX

That's what I'd call an ideal Pokémon line up for this sort of deck.Garbodor stops them from using abilities.gourgeist spreads and you use Meowstic to Try and close out the game in 1 turn.Mewtwo is there as a back up attacker.
You don't have enough cards there to play competitively, you need 60.Therefore ,try and add more 'consistency cards' such as N,Juniper,Colress,Computer search and so on so forth.Id definitely take away the deck and start afresh.You should think to yourself ;
"do I really need to use this card?'
"How does to benefit me?"
Hi! yes I know that a deck needs to have 60 cards :) I just didnt know what to use so I asked for some advice... ill take your word for it that its bad :p back to the drawing board i guess :)
Ekans is epic said:
Sorry for not explaining much , but you can find better attackers than magnezone out there :D

Thats perfectly alright! i need to think about it alot more... im working on a blastoise/keldeo deck atm and just thought I would get some ones opinion to see if its worth building or not :D I guess its not :)
Matty_fillz said:
Ekans is epic said:
Sorry for not explaining much , but you can find better attackers than magnezone out there :D

Thats perfectly alright! i need to think about it alot more... im working on a blastoise/keldeo deck atm and just thought I would get some ones opinion to see if its worth building or not :D I guess its not :)

If you're a new player looking for a competitive deck I recommend running a speed yveltal deck as it requires little forward planning and is fun. It also seems to win quite often.
Happy building :)
AlexanderTheAwesome said:
Matty_fillz said:
Thats perfectly alright! i need to think about it alot more... im working on a blastoise/keldeo deck atm and just thought I would get some ones opinion to see if its worth building or not :D I guess its not :)

If you're a new player looking for a competitive deck I recommend running a speed yveltal deck as it requires little forward planning and is fun. It also seems to win quite often.
Happy building :)

I had a yveltal deck... I felt so cheap for using it XD im gonna rebuild it though cause I have not won a match against any of my friends since I sold it... it hurts im tellin ya aha. Thanks for the advice though :) I appreciate it!

Ekans is epic said:
IMO it's had it's days , I personally think it's time to drop the deck

I would but I just spent another $30 in cards for it :( although I did buy a flash fire booster box so I might be able to come up with something from that... idk