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Magnezone EX



  • 4 Magnezone EX (Unreleased)
  • 4 Emolga EX
  • 4 Sigilyph (Safeguard)

  • 4 Professor Juniper
  • 4 N
  • 4 Skyla
  • 2 Colress
  • 4 Ultra Ball
  • 4 Energy Switch
  • 4 Float Stone

  • - Electric Energy

This deck is going to be an Anti-Yveltal Deck. This will be a deck that will include Magnezone EX (from Flash Fire) and Emolga EX (From XY). The thing is when I have Emolga EX as my active pokemon, I use Energy Glide to get some energy Electric in my deck, return to the bench and put Sigilyph with the Float Stone. Like this, I won't be attacked by Yveltal or any EX. When it's my turn, I put Magnezone EX as my Active Pokemon and use Energy Switch to take Emolga's energy and attach it to Magnezone. If Magnezone doesn't have enough enrgies to attack, I'll put Emolga again as my active Pokemon instead of Magnezone. I'll use Energy Glide and do the processus again and again until I have enough energies for my Magezone EX.

Can somemone help me for this deck please? :p
RE: Magnezone EX from Flash Fire (help please)

I would think that a better Yveltal counter would be Raichu. If you have 4 benched and a muscle band then it will knock him out, and Raichu only gives up one prize. The new Pokemon Collector supporter would help get a faster bench setup, and you can maybe add Mewtwo EX and Leafeon as secondary counters.