Main Page

Water Pokémon Master

I like Pokemon more than you! :p
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Report any errors, provide feedback, or comment on the main page in this thread.
Two problems I've had:

1. It made my internet stop working several times today. I don't know why, since the forums did not do that.

2. Around the Squirtle/Blastoise pic, there is a light box that says the name of the pic in the upper left.

Other that that, it looks rediculously amazing
No errors, these are just positive comments, and all about praise. Nothing wrong with the main page, except that there are currently no links, but that's because they aren't even ready. As for the appearance, it looks better than the previous one, and I think the box near the top that links to news stories is an excellent idea, making it much easier to navigate.
When I first saw it on, I thought, "Hey, it isn't so bad to lose PB for a few days if we were gonna get a home page this cool afterall.:p" but I know it's hard to lose all those files and stuff. Is it similar to losing a Charizard*?o_O
I just got on today at 8:30 PM. I haven't been able to get on all day. Whenever it typed in it just took me to google results for I clicked on the link to pokebeach from google, and it said that it could't pull up the website. It said I was either not conected to the web (I was, I could go to other sites), the url was typed in wrong (it wasn't). It said the last option was that the website was experiencing problems. Was something wrong today?
abaxter94 said:
I just got on today at 8:30 PM. I haven't been able to get on all day. Whenever it typed in it just took me to google results for I clicked on the link to pokebeach from google, and it said that it could't pull up the website. It said I was either not conected to the web (I was, I could go to other sites), the url was typed in wrong (it wasn't). It said the last option was that the website was experiencing problems. Was something wrong today?

There was a problem with all websites today that are using the host WPM is.
Yes, all day today and part of yesterday, the message "Internet cannot display this webpage." showed up. Most people couldn't get on the main site or the forums until about an hour and a half ago.

EDIT: Just bringing it to attention. I'm aware that most people, including you, WPM, knew about the problem.

dmaster out.
Ok. I just wanted to make sure that I wasn't the only one who was experiencing these problems.
d master342 said:
Yes, all day today and part of yesterday, the message "Internet cannot display this webpage." showed up. Most people couldn't get on the main site or the forums until about an hour and a half ago.

EDIT: Just bringing it to attention. I'm aware that most people, including you, WPM, knew about the problem.

dmaster out.

Yeh, our server crashed. Took them forever to get them back up
Last night I thought this page was gone forever because it said the page could not be found. After I saw the Youtube video of Pikachu's Goodbye and then the next night it was gone. So I thought it was gone. I am glad that it is back and I love the new layout. I don't seem to have any problems with errors or anything else but the layout is awesome. Good April fools joke WPM because I fell for that one. You will probably laugh but yes seriously I thought it was gone forever.:)
Apparently the BB code and HTML don't seem to be working:

That was on the top portion of the page.
I was?:p *Face-palms himself(Palmer? Face-palm? Get it?:rolleyes:) Darn, I really need those glasses on from now on. That's one thing PB can do to you :O.
Hey WPM! How did you do that cool zoom in effect with your images? I was thinking of trying it with the personal website I am making.
Yes, the zoom in on the card scan is better than the pop-up from before. That was nice. :D

dmaster out.
This is AWESOME! I am SOOO glad you brought Pokebeach back PWM. But I have ONE question. Every time I get on in the morning before school the website "Could not be found". But then, when I get home from school and I click on my favorites again, it is back up. Is there a reason?
Prime said:
Hey WPM! How did you do that cool zoom in effect with your images? I was thinking of trying it with the personal website I am making.

I like everything except the title font.