Main Page


The King of Gloom
What exactly is happening to the main page, and if it is WPM responding to lawyer's requests, why is he causing such a big deal and going all tantrum-ish?
I would not say he's going all "tantrum-ish". I think he's fine, and quite frankly, I'd be the same way, except even more "tantrum-ish"

Nentendo is just being stupid. All they've done is hurt them selves.

It should be back to normal soon, though.(I think)
pokebeach is not a professional organisation. It's a fansite, it is allowed to be unprofessional.
But in dealings with professionalism like law, shouldn't it be assumed that the owner of this site would be professional? I don't know. My bad, I just think that it would be best if... well I don't know.
Well he took the pics down didn't he? That was the whole point in the first place. I certainly don't expect WPM to conduct a pres release on the issue or anything...
Well, he's mocking them a bit because it's kind of a silly thing. He's giving them publicity and they've never cared before now. It's good that he's expressing his annoyance.
WPM is only being funny by mocking the already-ridiculous situation. He's just got a sense of humour, and you'd have to be crazy to agree with Nintendo for doing this.
There are a lot of people who are caught in the Ditto craze. You may think of it as a joke, but Ditto right now is keeping the forum and the home page alive.
Still its showing Nintendo how stupid theyre being i think this Ditto thing is kinda humiliating Nintendo
^Ditto can transform into all of these "consealed" Gen.5 Pokemon. What can Pikachu do? :p Kidding.

Pokemon (and Mario) represent Nintendo. If we go with something Silly, like Ditto, we're saying that Nintendo is silly. Which is true, based off of their poor choice with the images.
Honestly I think it's kind of funny. And as Sweet Candace Berlitz said, those Dittos are what's keeping Pokebeach up.
And that, my friends, is why I made a petition. We will probs be allowed to show images before we get enough people though.