Idaho USA.
1. Follow ref rule. I am new to pokebeach trading. If your refs look bad, I may not trade with you.
2. Please use top loaders when mailing.
3. Cards should be near mint/mint, unless otherwise stated.
4. Will CYL. I don't have much that I NEED at any given time.
5. Please Reply with trade offers in thread
My Refs = +5 (5 unique)
Ref Thread
Completed Trades
RareCandyAwesomeness: Sent/Received
Lunistrella: Sent/Received
slickmario: Sent/ Received
wilyfungi: Sent/Received
Trades in Progress
Hikikomori-son: Sent/
gary182000: Sent/
COL Energy (High priority Lightning x2, Grass x1)
Battle Tower RH x4
Player Rewards Energy
B/W Girl Starter Kit Box (Actually, all I want is the carrying case from the set, but will trade for the whole thing if needed)
Arceus Japanese Victory medals / Movie promo #22/22
other Arceus stuff (ask me if you have something interesting)
Imakuni's Doduo
Other rare and random stuff.
**Low Priority
Arceus (AR5 and Omni LvX, will take AR1-4,6-9 as throw-ins)
Any Primes
New Updates 3/26:
Regigigas Promo (DP40 "Drag Off") x2
Broken Time Space
Giratina PL9/127 (Let Loose) RH
Giratina PL10/127
Giratina PL27/127
Gardvoir PL8/127
Honchkrow G RH (and x1 normal )
Bronzong G
Memory Berry x2
Pokedex Handy910is
Dugtrio PL
Banette PL
Altaria PL
Golduck PL RH
Riolu PL RH
Torchic PL RH
Misdreavus PL RH
Secret Wonders:
Plusle x2 (x1 RH)
Mysterious Treasures:
Dusk Ball RH
Updated 3/22: COL Stuff: (Unsorted, not Shiny Legends, these are available in addition to any copies listed in the below lists)
Leafeon x2 (x1 RH)
Vulpix RH
Deoxys RH
Houndour RH
Hitmonlee RH
Totodile RH
Flaffy RH
Donphan RH
Typhlosion RH
Teddiursa RH
Slowpoke RH
Magby RH
Riolu RH
Vaporeon RH
Skarmory RH
Seviper RH
Dialga RH
Clefairy RH
Jolteon RH
Granbull RH
Mr Mime
Slowking x2
Legends, LvX, Shiny
Palkia Dialga Legend x1 Top
Shiny Vulpix x3
Kyougre Groundon Legend x1 Set
Fan Rotom
Dialga LvX (Promo)
Slowking Prime x2
Alph Lithograph (TWO)
Electrode Prime
Yanmega Prime
Blissey Prime
Suicune (Tin promo)
Pokemon Reversal (ex Unseen Forces RH)
SP Radar x3
Level Max x1
Miasma Valley RH
Techincal Machine TS-2 RH
Plus Power x4 (1 RH UD, 1 NF UD, 1RH SW, 1 NF SW)
Energy Gain
Research Record x3 (x2 RH)
Energy Returner x3 (x1 RH)
Expert Belt x5 (x2 NF, x3 League Promo)
Volkner's Philosophy x8 (x2 RH, x4LP)
Dual Ball x3 (x1 RH)
Pokemon Circulator x5 (x1 RH)
Junk Arm x2 (x1 RH)
Old Amber RH
Copycat RH x2 (HGSS)
Prof Elm's training method x4
Cheerleader's Cheer x5 (x2 RH)
Sage's Training x8 (x1 RH)
Engineer's Adjustment x3 (x1 RH)
Looker's Investigation RH x2
Marley's Request x2 (x1 RH)
Cythina's Feelings x3 (x2 Promo Foil)
Cyrus's Initiative
Cythina's Guidance x5 (x1 RH, x4 LP)
Emcee's Chatter RH
Team Rocket's Trickery RH
Professor Oak's New Theory COL x2
Conductive Quarry x2
Snowpoint Temple
Lost World x5
Pokemon Contest Hall
Call Energy
Rainbow x2 (HGSS)
Rescue Energy x3
Sp Dark x4
Sp Metal x4
Pokemon by Type:
Rotom UD
Rotom MD x3
Pichu HGSS
Raichu UD RH
Magnezone (DP44)
Laturn UL RH
Elekid TR x3 (x1 RH)
Pikachu SV RH
Luxio AR RH
Electrode TR RH
Electrode SF RH
Ampharos COL
Wobbuffet (HGSS04)
Deoxys Attack Forme LA RH
Haunter AR RH
Unown ! LA RH
Deoxys Defense Forme LA x2
Solrock SV
Nidoran (M) TR RH
Drifblim FB x2
Celebi TR x2
Claydol SV
Mismagius UD
Mismagius UL RH
Gengar AR
Seviper PL RH
Unown (Cure) TR RH
Shuppet TR RH
Misdeavus UD RH
Grimer UD RH
Gasly TR RH
Slowking HGSS
Slowking COL RH
Skoropi TR RH
Mine Jr COL RH
Ninetales HGSS
Ninetales PL RH x2
Houndoom LA RH
Numel SV RH
Camerupt SV RH
Rapidash TR
Rapidash AR
Infernape MD RH
Moltres MD
Infernape Pl
Rapidash SF
Torchic Pl RH
Camerupt G SV
Flareon 4 RR RH
Arcanine HGSS
Magby RHx2 (x1 Tr, x1 COL)
Magmortar COL
Typholsion COl x3
Magmar TR RH
Magmortar TR x1
Ninetales UL RH x3
Sandslash HGSS
Sandslash SV x2
Gliscor UD RH
Geodude SV RH
Graveler AR RH
Gligar LA RH
Lucario UL x2
Hitmontop HGSS RH
Gliscor 4 (Promo Foil)
Dugtrio PL
Areodactyl GL RH
Kabuto MD RH
Gastrodon West Sea RR
Rampardos GL RR
Golem 4 RR
Sudowoodo UL RH
Rampardos PL RH
Torterra SF
Machamp TR x42
Armaldo LA
Solrock TR
Nidoking TR
Lunatone TR
Machop TR RH
Dugtrio TR
Lucario GL RR
Lucario COL x2 (x1 RH, x1 Foil)
Froslass AR
Golduck TR x2
Lapras PL RH
Lapras HGSS RH
Piplup MD RH
Slowbro HGS RR
Poliwrath UL
Swinub TR RH x2
Wailord TR
Poliwrath LA
Octillery UL RH
Quagsire HGSS
Phione MD
Lugia COL
Lumineon SF RH
Tentacruel LA
Magikarp RH x2 (x1 HGSS, x1 COL)
Gyarados x2 (x1 HGSS, x1 COL)
Totodile COL RH
Vaorpeon COL RH
Feraligatr COl x2
Finneon SF RH
Kingdra UL
Tangela AR RH
Yanmega SV x2
Beedrill UL
Shuckle HGSS x2
Sceptile AR RH x2
Venonat TR RH x2
Bayleef COL RH
Yanma SV FH
Bellsprout LA RH
Ariados HGSS x2
Cherrim AR x3
Victreebel TR RH
Hercross 4 RR
Leafeon MD
Scizor SF
Leafeon UD (Promo)
Parasect SV x2
Grovyle AR RH
Cherubi AR RH
Beautifly PL RH
Oddish UD RH
Sceptile AR
Venomoth TR
Yanmega TR RH
Illumise TR RH
Bellossom UD x2 (x1 RH, x1 Foil)
Cherubi UL RH
Mothim AR
Pinsir SV RH
Kricketune PL
Tropius UD RH
Pinsir UL RH
Porygon Z G AR
Blissey Pl
Zangoose COl x3 (x2 RH)
Kecleon RR RH x2
Ditto LA
Tauros UL RH
Buneary SV RH x2
Smeargle UD x1
Dragonite FB x4 (LP)
Altaria TR x3 (x1 RH)
Furret HGSS x2
Exploud SV
Clefairy HGSS RH
Shelgon AR RH
Fearow UD x2
Granbull HGSS
Snubbull HGSS RH
Raticate UD RH
Dratini TR RH
Ursaring COL
Pidgey TR RH
Togekiss UD
Porygon Z TR
Farfetch'd HGSS
Rattata UD RH
Aipom TR RH
Clefable HGSS
Dragonair TR RH
Cleffa HGSS
Porygon (HGSS022)
Snorlax COL (Promo)
Swellow LA RH
Hoothoot HGSS RH
Noctowl (HGSS06) x2
Hoothoot (HGSS05) x2
Ambipom TR
Doduo UD RH x2
Ambipom G RR x2
Igglybuff HGSS
Jirachi LA
Magnezone DP32
Dialga G Pl x3 (x1 Foil, x2 LP)
Magnezone SF 5/100
Bastiodon GL RR
Marwile SV x2
Dialga DP26
Dialga DP49
Forrestress LA x2 (x1 RH)
Skarmory FB x2 (LP)
Heatran LA
Skarmory x2 (x1 COL RH, x1 UD)
Sleelix UL x2 (x1 LP)
Lairon TR RH
Bronzor AR RH
Aron TR RH
Shiftry RR x2
Murkrow UD RH
Darkrai DP52
Crawdaunt G SV x2 (x1 RH)
Tyranitar SF
Honchkrow SV
Nuzleaf SV RH
Spiritomb AR (LP)
Stunky SF RH
Honchkrow UD x2
Sableye SF
Weavile UD RH
Sharpedo TR RH x2
Drapion TR
1. Follow ref rule. I am new to pokebeach trading. If your refs look bad, I may not trade with you.
2. Please use top loaders when mailing.
3. Cards should be near mint/mint, unless otherwise stated.
4. Will CYL. I don't have much that I NEED at any given time.
5. Please Reply with trade offers in thread
My Refs = +5 (5 unique)
Ref Thread
Completed Trades
RareCandyAwesomeness: Sent/Received
Lunistrella: Sent/Received
slickmario: Sent/ Received
wilyfungi: Sent/Received
Trades in Progress
Hikikomori-son: Sent/
gary182000: Sent/
COL Energy (High priority Lightning x2, Grass x1)
Battle Tower RH x4
Player Rewards Energy
B/W Girl Starter Kit Box (Actually, all I want is the carrying case from the set, but will trade for the whole thing if needed)
Arceus Japanese Victory medals / Movie promo #22/22
other Arceus stuff (ask me if you have something interesting)
Imakuni's Doduo
Other rare and random stuff.
**Low Priority
Arceus (AR5 and Omni LvX, will take AR1-4,6-9 as throw-ins)
Any Primes
New Updates 3/26:
Regigigas Promo (DP40 "Drag Off") x2
Broken Time Space
Giratina PL9/127 (Let Loose) RH
Giratina PL10/127
Giratina PL27/127
Gardvoir PL8/127
Honchkrow G RH (and x1 normal )
Bronzong G
Memory Berry x2
Pokedex Handy910is
Dugtrio PL
Banette PL
Altaria PL
Golduck PL RH
Riolu PL RH
Torchic PL RH
Misdreavus PL RH
Secret Wonders:
Plusle x2 (x1 RH)
Mysterious Treasures:
Dusk Ball RH
Updated 3/22: COL Stuff: (Unsorted, not Shiny Legends, these are available in addition to any copies listed in the below lists)
Leafeon x2 (x1 RH)
Vulpix RH
Deoxys RH
Houndour RH
Hitmonlee RH
Totodile RH
Flaffy RH
Donphan RH
Typhlosion RH
Teddiursa RH
Slowpoke RH
Magby RH
Riolu RH
Vaporeon RH
Skarmory RH
Seviper RH
Dialga RH
Clefairy RH
Jolteon RH
Granbull RH
Mr Mime
Slowking x2
Legends, LvX, Shiny
Palkia Dialga Legend x1 Top
Shiny Vulpix x3
Kyougre Groundon Legend x1 Set
Fan Rotom
Dialga LvX (Promo)
Slowking Prime x2
Alph Lithograph (TWO)
Electrode Prime
Yanmega Prime
Blissey Prime
Suicune (Tin promo)
Pokemon Reversal (ex Unseen Forces RH)
SP Radar x3
Level Max x1
Miasma Valley RH
Techincal Machine TS-2 RH
Plus Power x4 (1 RH UD, 1 NF UD, 1RH SW, 1 NF SW)
Energy Gain
Research Record x3 (x2 RH)
Energy Returner x3 (x1 RH)
Expert Belt x5 (x2 NF, x3 League Promo)
Volkner's Philosophy x8 (x2 RH, x4LP)
Dual Ball x3 (x1 RH)
Pokemon Circulator x5 (x1 RH)
Junk Arm x2 (x1 RH)
Old Amber RH
Copycat RH x2 (HGSS)
Prof Elm's training method x4
Cheerleader's Cheer x5 (x2 RH)
Sage's Training x8 (x1 RH)
Engineer's Adjustment x3 (x1 RH)
Looker's Investigation RH x2
Marley's Request x2 (x1 RH)
Cythina's Feelings x3 (x2 Promo Foil)
Cyrus's Initiative
Cythina's Guidance x5 (x1 RH, x4 LP)
Emcee's Chatter RH
Team Rocket's Trickery RH
Professor Oak's New Theory COL x2
Conductive Quarry x2
Snowpoint Temple
Lost World x5
Pokemon Contest Hall
Call Energy
Rainbow x2 (HGSS)
Rescue Energy x3
Sp Dark x4
Sp Metal x4
Pokemon by Type:
Rotom UD
Rotom MD x3
Pichu HGSS
Raichu UD RH
Magnezone (DP44)
Laturn UL RH
Elekid TR x3 (x1 RH)
Pikachu SV RH
Luxio AR RH
Electrode TR RH
Electrode SF RH
Ampharos COL
Wobbuffet (HGSS04)
Deoxys Attack Forme LA RH
Haunter AR RH
Unown ! LA RH
Deoxys Defense Forme LA x2
Solrock SV
Nidoran (M) TR RH
Drifblim FB x2
Celebi TR x2
Claydol SV
Mismagius UD
Mismagius UL RH
Gengar AR
Seviper PL RH
Unown (Cure) TR RH
Shuppet TR RH
Misdeavus UD RH
Grimer UD RH
Gasly TR RH
Slowking HGSS
Slowking COL RH
Skoropi TR RH
Mine Jr COL RH
Ninetales HGSS
Ninetales PL RH x2
Houndoom LA RH
Numel SV RH
Camerupt SV RH
Rapidash TR
Rapidash AR
Infernape MD RH
Moltres MD
Infernape Pl
Rapidash SF
Torchic Pl RH
Camerupt G SV
Flareon 4 RR RH
Arcanine HGSS
Magby RHx2 (x1 Tr, x1 COL)
Magmortar COL
Typholsion COl x3
Magmar TR RH
Magmortar TR x1
Ninetales UL RH x3
Sandslash HGSS
Sandslash SV x2
Gliscor UD RH
Geodude SV RH
Graveler AR RH
Gligar LA RH
Lucario UL x2
Hitmontop HGSS RH
Gliscor 4 (Promo Foil)
Dugtrio PL
Areodactyl GL RH
Kabuto MD RH
Gastrodon West Sea RR
Rampardos GL RR
Golem 4 RR
Sudowoodo UL RH
Rampardos PL RH
Torterra SF
Machamp TR x42
Armaldo LA
Solrock TR
Nidoking TR
Lunatone TR
Machop TR RH
Dugtrio TR
Lucario GL RR
Lucario COL x2 (x1 RH, x1 Foil)
Froslass AR
Golduck TR x2
Lapras PL RH
Lapras HGSS RH
Piplup MD RH
Slowbro HGS RR
Poliwrath UL
Swinub TR RH x2
Wailord TR
Poliwrath LA
Octillery UL RH
Quagsire HGSS
Phione MD
Lugia COL
Lumineon SF RH
Tentacruel LA
Magikarp RH x2 (x1 HGSS, x1 COL)
Gyarados x2 (x1 HGSS, x1 COL)
Totodile COL RH
Vaorpeon COL RH
Feraligatr COl x2
Finneon SF RH
Kingdra UL
Tangela AR RH
Yanmega SV x2
Beedrill UL
Shuckle HGSS x2
Sceptile AR RH x2
Venonat TR RH x2
Bayleef COL RH
Yanma SV FH
Bellsprout LA RH
Ariados HGSS x2
Cherrim AR x3
Victreebel TR RH
Hercross 4 RR
Leafeon MD
Scizor SF
Leafeon UD (Promo)
Parasect SV x2
Grovyle AR RH
Cherubi AR RH
Beautifly PL RH
Oddish UD RH
Sceptile AR
Venomoth TR
Yanmega TR RH
Illumise TR RH
Bellossom UD x2 (x1 RH, x1 Foil)
Cherubi UL RH
Mothim AR
Pinsir SV RH
Kricketune PL
Tropius UD RH
Pinsir UL RH
Porygon Z G AR
Blissey Pl
Zangoose COl x3 (x2 RH)
Kecleon RR RH x2
Ditto LA
Tauros UL RH
Buneary SV RH x2
Smeargle UD x1
Dragonite FB x4 (LP)
Altaria TR x3 (x1 RH)
Furret HGSS x2
Exploud SV
Clefairy HGSS RH
Shelgon AR RH
Fearow UD x2
Granbull HGSS
Snubbull HGSS RH
Raticate UD RH
Dratini TR RH
Ursaring COL
Pidgey TR RH
Togekiss UD
Porygon Z TR
Farfetch'd HGSS
Rattata UD RH
Aipom TR RH
Clefable HGSS
Dragonair TR RH
Cleffa HGSS
Porygon (HGSS022)
Snorlax COL (Promo)
Swellow LA RH
Hoothoot HGSS RH
Noctowl (HGSS06) x2
Hoothoot (HGSS05) x2
Ambipom TR
Doduo UD RH x2
Ambipom G RR x2
Igglybuff HGSS
Jirachi LA
Magnezone DP32
Dialga G Pl x3 (x1 Foil, x2 LP)
Magnezone SF 5/100
Bastiodon GL RR
Marwile SV x2
Dialga DP26
Dialga DP49
Forrestress LA x2 (x1 RH)
Skarmory FB x2 (LP)
Heatran LA
Skarmory x2 (x1 COL RH, x1 UD)
Sleelix UL x2 (x1 LP)
Lairon TR RH
Bronzor AR RH
Aron TR RH
Shiftry RR x2
Murkrow UD RH
Darkrai DP52
Crawdaunt G SV x2 (x1 RH)
Tyranitar SF
Honchkrow SV
Nuzleaf SV RH
Spiritomb AR (LP)
Stunky SF RH
Honchkrow UD x2
Sableye SF
Weavile UD RH
Sharpedo TR RH x2
Drapion TR