Making a Pokemon Deck! Any theme ideas?


Elite Four
I'm looking for a deck that utilizes the dp set, secret wonders set, and the themed deck cards. Any ideas? Im looking for an offensive deck. Also, Im relatively new to the TCG so if you can give me an easy deck to use it would be greatly appreciated.
G&G. Gardevoir and Gallade from SW are VERY powerful and in high demand. Gardevoir Lv. X SW is also extremely powerful. Infernape Dp is also powerful, but Infernape MD just came out and is even better. If you want to utilize theme deck cards, umm...I know the Magmortar SW deck has x2 Bebe's Search cards, which are a staple ind decks nowadays.
bebe's is not a staple, unless u r playing claydol or ex's. if u don't use those 2, 4 celio's r a staple. as for decks, here r the most popular decks right now
skittles (togekiss/ho-oh)
G&G variations (gardevoir/gallade/starter/tech)
magmotar variations (mag/ty/catty,mag/dol, ect.)
eeveelution variations (glaceon main attacker, leafeon main attacker, both)
blissey variations (bliss/weavile, bliss/ty, bliss/bannette, straight bliss)
hurricane (gatr/catty/magnaton PK)
empoleon variants (emp/gyradoes, emp/palkia/mantine, MES [mismagius/emp/salabye CG])
infernape variants ( infernape/catty, infernape straight)
fossils (kabutops, omastar/areodactyle)
big daddy krow (honchkrow w/ absol starter)
there are more, but these r the most played decks. i think that bannette is easy to play, along with garchomp and blissey. your choice.
ok thanks everyone! Im going to play around with the decks until I find one that I like! Thanks!
You're only allowed to post completed decks in the Deck Garage. This therefore goes into TCG Discussion.
