Making new styles..


Aspiring Trainer
Hello Pokébeach!

Two months ago, I wrote a private message to the administrator and he read it, but he didn't answer. It was about new styles, or one new style for the community. I was hoping, that he's make new styles or one new style, but he didn't. I was like "what the..?".. At least, he should answer the pn and say, that he's not making the new style, but he didn't answer and he didn't make new styles. And I think, that's very bad. That's why, I make right now a topic for this suggestion and I hope, that I will become now a answer from a moderator. Please. I don't want more than one or two styles, I just want to have more than this one normal style.. Thank you..

From your Surando..
We used to have the April Fool's theme from uh... 2009, I think? Or no, maybe it was 2010. Whatever. We kept it and made it available for public use, and then it was de1337ed. So now I am hope this is enough to make you become an answer. If not, I got no idea what you're referring to.
So now I am hope this is enough to make you become an answer.


Anyway, I think he's saying that he wanted WPM to make new forum styles. But WPM didn't answer, so he's asking a Mod to make a new one.
I still don't see why this style is a problem. WPM is so busy, he probably can't do what you're asking.
@ PMJ: That would be exactly what he is referring to.

@ Poster: You don't know what is going on behind the scene's, and WPM has been known to read PMs from members and not respond, especially over silly issues like this. Moderator's and the Administrator have stuff behind the scenes members are forebidden to know until they are released, and if you have been reading carefully over the past weeks Phase Moltres has not yet been implemented. Who know's maybe this is a new forum layout or maybe it's just something else? Point being if he didn't respond over a silly issue no need to complain about it openly to the public and things behind the scenes could always be going on like the April Fool's Joke PMJ was referring to.
@ EPM: He makes the banner's and the art you see on the main page, not the actual themes, and not on the forums banner either.
Why want new?
No like current theme Pokerbeach haz?

But really, Why would you want a new theme? The theme that we have currently is functional and visually appealing.
@ Surando: Did you even read my post? If not;

Charizard88 said:
You don't know what is going on behind the scene's, and WPM has been known to read PMs from members and not respond, especially over silly issues like this. Moderator's and the Administrator have stuff behind the scenes members are forebidden to know until they are released, and if you have been reading carefully over the past weeks Phase Moltres has not yet been implemented. Who know's maybe this is a new forum layout or maybe it's just something else? Point being if he didn't respond over a silly issue no need to complain about it openly to the public and things behind the scenes could always be going on like the April Fool's Joke PMJ was referring to.
So that's a new possible theme? Great, it's awesome, it would be so nice if it were to be used, i like the current one, but change is always good.
New theme looks awesome :) The sandy color of the forums will make it truly feel like a Poke Beach :p
That looks awesome, the sandy color looks so much better than the blue color that we have now. The Staryu instead of the Pokeballs is a great idea too. It will be a nice change, can't wait for it, good job WPM.
I'm liking the new theme, as well. Like the others said, it brings more of a "beach" theme to the site. Can't wait!
Nice to see that the forums is getting a new theme. As many others mentioned, I really do like the new sandy look for the theme and hopefully it turns out to be great.