Use one malamar to sleep stall while you get bronzong into play, get victini or trick coin into play. Set up second malamar with battle compressor + Bronzon. Use battle compressor to discard supporters you need then vs. seeker back into hand. abuse sleep lock and reflips.
deck needs work, thats why im posting here!
2 Malamar EX
2 Victini (LT 23)
3 Bronzong (PF 61)
3 Bronzor (ND 75)
1 Mewtwo EX
2 Trick Coin
2 Ultra Ball
1 Computer Search
2 Professor's Letter
2 Escape Rope
2 Startling Megaphone
2 Pokemon Fan Club
2 VS Seeker
1 Pokemon Center Lady
4 N
3 Battle Compressor
3 Skyla
4 Double Colorless Energy
4 Rainbow Energy
6 Darkness Energy
9 Metal Energy
Use one malamar to sleep stall while you get bronzong into play, get victini or trick coin into play. Set up second malamar with battle compressor + Bronzon. Use battle compressor to discard supporters you need then vs. seeker back into hand. abuse sleep lock and reflips.
deck needs work, thats why im posting here!