• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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Standard Malamar EX / Victini EX / Shaymin EX


  • 2 Vulpix
  • 1 Ninetales
  • 2 Eevee
  • 1 Flareon (PLF)
  • 1 Leafeon
  • 1 Malamar - EX
  • 1 Victini - EX
  • 1 Shaymin - EX (Radiant Collection)
  • 2 Sneasel
  • 1 Weavile
  • 1 Beedrill
  • 1 Kakuna
  • 1 Weedle
  • 1 Sableye
  • 1 Shrine of Memories
  • 1 Skyarrow Bridge
  • 1 Team Flare Grunt
  • 1 Cheren
  • 1 Professor Juniper
  • 1 Pokedex
  • 3 Ultra Ball
  • 1 Superior Energy Retrieval
  • 1 Max Revive
  • 1 Red Card
  • 1 Rocky Helmet
  • 1 Fiery Torch
  • 1 Great Ball
  • 1 Team Plasma Ball
  • 1 Energy Search
  • 1 Fresh Water Set
  • 1 Acro Bike
  • 1 Double Colorless Energy
  • 1 Plasma Energy
  • 7 Grass Energy
  • 7 Darkness Energy
  • 8 Fire Energy

Hey guys! Today I am going to show my decklist for this deck that has 3 different types (4 if you include the two Colorless Eevee) which is the Malamar EX/ Victini EX/ Shaymin EX deck! Please note that im low on Juniper's, N's, and such. but the FAs were pulled or traded. This is my second deck, so please enjoy!
So... What is the strategy? No offence, but it seems like a really confused decklist with little-to-no consistency. What is it that your deck aims to achieve?
So... What is the strategy? No offence, but it seems like a really confused decklist with little-to-no consistency. What is it that your deck aims to achieve?

(yay someone replied! :p) The point in the deck is to activate Hyper Hypnosis on Malamar to get my opponent to sleep, Then, I would power-up Flareon, and if I have any Junipers or Ultra Balls in my hand with some Pokemon, I'll be discarding Pokemon to get new cards or new pokemon, so Flareon's revenge attack can be dealing a ton of damage, while my opponent is asleep. But yeah, I can see why you would say there isn't much strategy. Thanks for the advice doe! :p
Like OpoShmo said, this deck has no real plot, it's just a bunch of Pokemon thrown together. I know that in your head you have figured out what you want to do with them, but 10 of your Pokemon only have one card, you really need consistency and focus on one strategy. You said that you don't have many of the bread and butter Trainer's, but without this it's very hard for any one to really help you, because most suggestions will include adding those. All I can really suggest is to drop all Vulpix, Ninetales, Sneasel, Weavile, Malamar EX, and Sableye to add in more of your other Pokemon to up the chance of drawing into them. I'd also drop the Dark Energy and Plasma Energy to add more to your Trainer count (Trainer's should make up almost half the deck).
If you're looking to run Hyper Hypnosis as a thing, you're better off using cards that take advantage of the opponent being asleep/statused (i.e. XY Promo Darkrai, Honchcrow PHF etc.)
If you're looking to run Flareon as a thing, Flareon is already an established and very fast archetype. If you check in Deck Garage and also the Tier Discussion thread section, you'll see plenty of suggestions as to the best Flareon deck to run.
The unfortunate part of this deck is that includes a lot of great deck ideas, but too many for just one deck. Shaymin-EX works well in VirGen decks; not as it's own deck. Malamar-EX works a dream in Fairy Toolbox decks and a fun tech in Yveltal/MegaManectric decks for trolly purposes. Victini-EX works great as an energy accelerator in decks that appreciate it. Beedrill (I'm assuming Primal Clash one) is a VERY niche pokemon that will only see play in a fun deck involving Hypnotoxic Laser and Dragalge FLF (the same way the Roaring Skies Jirachi will no doubt see play)

What you really need to do is take stock of all your cards and choose which archetype you want to run, and then either trade/buy the missing cards from said archetype.
I have to agree with what everyone else said. Other than basic energy, ultra ball, and a couple basic pokemon you only run 1 of each card, so the chance of seeing that card come up in a game is highly unlikely which means each game is going to turn out drastically different (and you will want to have a deck be as consistent as possible so you can always make sure what you want to have happen happens). Also never run a 1-1-1 of a stage 2. The chances that 1 of them is prized is incredibly high (and if any one of them is you are screwed), and even if they aren't it will take forever to get it out. My advice would basically be to first figure out how you would want the game to go. A weird suggestion I would make would be to play a game or 2 where instead of drawing cards randomly like normal, you pick the cards you want your starting hand and each card you draw (and no prize cards). This will remove all luck from the game (which is good to figure out what your ideal game will look like). With this you can then quickly see which cards are helpful to do what you want to do and which are kind of useless (or so situational that it is better to focus on other things that worry about that). Then remove the useless cards and add doubles or triples of cards you find to be more important so you can make the chances of having the ideal game be much higher. Then you can play a regular game and see how it works out.