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Mamoswine/Gallade 4 Bench Spread Lock

Card Slinger J

Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon (22)

3-2-3 Mamoswine (HS Triumphant)
2-2 Gallade 4 Lv. X
1-1-1 Exploud SV
2 Solrock (HS Triumphant)
2 Lunatone SV
2 Uxie LA
1 Azelf LA

Trainers/Supporters (21)

4 Pokemon Collector
4 Bebe's Search
3 Interviewer's Questions
3 Cryus's Conspiracy
3 Poke Turn
2 Palmer's Contribution
2 Seeker

Stadiums (3)

3 Broken Time-Space

Energies (14)

5 Water
5 Psychic
4 Double Colorless Energy

Deck Total: 60

Use Gallade 4 Lv. X's Poke-Power Blade Storm to distribute damage counters on your Opponent's Pokemon while you have Solrock and Lunatone on your bench to prevent any damage counters from being removed at all with Solrock's Heal Block Poke-Body, while Lunatone's Marvel Eyes Poke-Body gets around any Pokemon Lv. X from damaging Solrock or Lunatone.

The main reason Mamoswine is in this deck is due to Snowstorm {W}{W}{C}{C} which does 70 damage and 20 to each of your Opponent's benched Pokemon that already has damage counters on it. I figured Exploud SV would help this deck as a tech to help get around Mamoswine's weakness to {M} which would help it's matchup against Healix with Steelix Prime.

Poke Turn is in the deck to utilize on using Gallade 4 Lv. X's Blade Storm repeatedly and with Solrock and Lunatone on your bench they can't heal at all except for transferring damage counters via Gengar and Dusknoir's abilities. After a Blade Storm you can Poke Turn Gallade 4 Lv. X to bring Mamoswine in for Snowstorm once it's setup.

I'm basically gearing this deck for 2 seasons instead of 1, If it was just for 1 being this format I'd probably have Abomasnow SF over Mamoswine in this deck for damage spread no prob but they haven't released very many bench spread Pokemon lately until HS Triumphant so I had to make due with what I can work with.

As you can tell I'm tearing apart my Nidoking/Nidoqueen deck for this one, hopefully it will do good. A VileGar matchup will be tough and I may need to tech in Froslass GL to send out Vileplume to the Active, retreat with Dodrio or an energy and hit hard with Gallade 4 Lv. X but I don't think I have the deckspace for that.

Any help, advice, or suggestions I'd really appreciate it. ;)